About Us

25 October 2012

Well...Where to begin?

My Younger brother was always interested in the "Tree Peeker" and has spent many of Hours that I am sure can add up to Years in his Internet Education.

Myself, it's a New Thing. I have spent Several hours for the last Three Days Reviewing Footage of the Beast, even the "Bad" Hoaxes. I figure that this way I can learn to spot a fake as well as a possible Positive Sighting. It has become an Obsession and takes up a lot of my time. Yes, as with everyone, I have Theories and cannot wait to see if I can make them possible.

We will await until March before performing any Field Research and I have found Two places to be our first search sites. After reviewing the information for the last 3 days, I believe that I have a bearing on what Habitat the Tall, and Hairy, Bi-Pedal creatures like to hang out in. That is what I based My Search Requirements on.