30 August 2013

Seems that people are actually getting better at locating and taping the Big Hairy Tree-Peekers, or the 'Beings' are becoming more comfortable with them and allowing it to happen.


26 August 2013

I have watched several new videos on 'YouTube' and they all seem to be the same as far as content goes. Nothing new to learn, though I will keep watching them to hopefully gain some new insights.


16 June 2013

I have been too focused on the other Site, and Working on the Vehicle and other's vehicles. I will soon be able to get out and go to the 'Laskey' Site again.


29 May 2013

https://captainrobertapril.webnode.com/ is what I have been doing.


27 May 2013

No 'Tree-Peeker' research yet. 


23 May 2013

Today I get to Focus on a Specific Project, and to Actually Complete it.

I did not complete the project for today, but I know that one more day dedicated to it will do the trick. 


22 May 2013

Was a great day at the Baseball Game with My Son. Though we got a little rain from time-to-time, I was prepared with an Umbrella, and we remained Dry.


21 May 2013

It is going to be 88 degrees and Humid today, and I was trying to Stave from using the A/C until the Middle of June. So much for that.


20 May 2013

I will surely break the 500 mile a tank mark, without a doubt. I took my Automotive Tool-Box out of Storage once again and placed it in the back of the Vehicle so I am ready to resume the required work on the vehicle. I am also going to be doing some suspension work on my brother's vehicle so he can feel safer while driving. Goals: To install Solenoid to Disengage the Transmission when my foot is off of the accelerator. Change out the Throttle-Body to one from a Heavy-Duty Truck so the Computer can be Fooled. Besides some Sheet-Metal Work, that's the Extent of what needs to be completed. I do also want to get another Tire for the Vehicle.


19 May 2013

Well, Well. The Vehicle Travelled 450 Miles and still has Fuel in it, an Eighth of a Tank (or 50+ more miles). No Gas Stops. That makes the Fuel Mileage between 26 mpg and 30 mpg's. I am going to Drive the Vehicle until the Fuel Guage is barely Visable before filling the Fuel Tank back up. It may take 22 gallons rather than the 16 I thought that it had.

22.72 mpg if 22 gallons is what the Fuel Tank holds, or 31.25 mpg if 16 gallons is what the Fuel Tank holds. I will be filling the Tank soon enough to determine the Capacity.

As far as I knew, the Vehicles are all designed to go the Distance of 330 miles, and the Vehicle that I am driving is only supposed to get 20 mpg's and have a 15 gallon tank, and that makes the distance (20 mpg x 16 gallons) about 320 miles. 


15 May 2013

Today is the Day to get things done.

I was successful in getting what Needed to be done, Done. I was able to check the Fluids and Discovered that The Motor needed a Couple Quarts, The Transmission needed Half a Quart, The Power Steering was Bone Dry, the Back Brakes needed to be Topped Off, but the Radiator, and Front Brakes were fine. I added some Sealer and Conditioner to the Transmission and the Motor, and I added a Fuel Mileage Increaser that Doubles as a Fuel Line Cleaner. I have given the Vehicle the Best Chance possible in making it the whole trip. 

I will be Checking the Fluids again in the Morning because it will have all settled by then.

I have gotten the Surveillance System up and Running, and anyone who comes into My place will be Recorded, and their Image sent to Me, and then I will Mail that Image to the Police and have the Thief/Thieves Immediately Arrested, and I will Request that they keep thet Person, or those People in Jail for a Week and that I can go into their place of Residence and Collect anything that is Mine, and if it's not there, to Take a Replacement from their Residence. I have Pictures of Everything that I own on My Storage Device with their Respective Information so they can be Tracked that the Police can Follow. I am going to Catch this/These People now. 


14 May 2013

After PLASMA, After taking the 'Girlfriend' to get her Hair Coloring, and After Finishing My Brothers Brakes on his Car, I can get to My Vehicle. I will only have 3 to 4 Hours to get everything done. I am thinking that maybe Wednesday would be a better day, but My Brother needs his Car as much, or even more that I need a Vehicle.

I finished My Brother's Car, with the help of two of his boys, but had no time to work on My Vehicle. I will just have to Entrust that things go well. I had to Rush, and thus forego what I had to do for My Vehicle. Tomorrow, there will be some running to do, and I highly doubt that I will have any time to do anything to the Vehicle.

I may take all of My Electrical...Well...Maybe Not, Because I have to Create a Shelf for the Heat-Sink and I need My Drill and Bit for that. I Also need my Ratchet and certain Sockets to Remove the Covers to get to the space where I am installing the Convertor.


13 May 2013

After getting myself something to eat, and instead of wearing shorts, I will put some work pants on, then I will go to My brother's and fix the Brake line, and then work on the addition of the 110v/12v outlets, Tweak the Alignment, and Recheck the Exhaust so the Vehicle will be Safe for the Long Trip.

I did not finish the 110v/12v set-up yet. I had to figure out how I was going to get everything in a tight little area. I did though. I need to Fabricate a couple things, but After that, it will be completed in a short period of time. I already have the Outdoors-Outlet in the Back Door. One can hardly notice it. 

I need to determine what way this 'Heat-Sink' needs to go so it takes up the Least Amount of room inside the Panel. I have rearranged it to Fit, but it does just so, I need it to have room around it so the air can move around it. I may have to turn it 90 degrees to achieve that.

I could not finish My Brother's Car because I could not get the Wheels off to get at the Bleeders on the Brakes, and thus the Brakes are Spongy due to an Air Bubble in the Brake Line that I had Repaired. So, Tomorrow, I will have to take the Car to a Tire Place so they can Break the Lugs Free for Me. My Brother Broke his 4-Way trying to free the Lugs for Me. I Tried before he got home, but I knew when to stop. After the Tires are Free'd I can finish the job.

I was so Busy with the Other 2 things (Brakes and the 110v/12v) that I never took care of the Alignment or the Exhaust. I have to Ensure that the 110v System is Properly Grounded, and I am thinking that it need to be grounded to the Frame. Tomorrow I will quickly tackle the Alignment and Exhaust after I get My Brother's Car's Brakes Bled, then if I have the time, get back to the 110v System. The 12v Outlet will be installed at the same time, but I don't know where I am going to place it. It intrudes into the space Two and a Half inches and is an Inch in Diameter, so I need to be sure there is a suitable place for it.


12 May 2013

I have been making Great Amounts of Progress on Another Hobby. Tomorrow I have to fix My Brother's Brakes on his Car, and I will use that Opportunity to get the 110v/12v connections installed, then I will take My Tool-Chest back to Storage until I need it again. Which will not be long, because I have to finish My Son's Trailer.

Let Me be clear about My Brother's Brakes. I am Not changing the Shoes and/or Pads, or any 'moving' parts, I am however changing the part that allows the fluids to travel to the Calipers/Solenoids. I am changing the Brake Line that has a Hole in it, and it travels down the Drivers side of the vehicle. It may have a Connecting Nut between the front section and the back section, and that may make it easier, but then again, it may cause additional Broken Lines.

Black Walnuts may be a Part of the 'Tree-Peekers' Diet. And in the Lower part of Michigan, they may not get that, and it may work really well as a 'Trade Gift'.


11 May 2013

I am going to work on my 'Home-Base' Computer this Morning, as I have a DVD Cover and a DVD Sleeve to Create and Print and some 3D drawings to Complete, then a few Spreadsheets to Update.


10 May 2013

Raining Currently, but it is supposed to Slow Down and Become Light Rain. I should have worked on it Earlier this week. I have 6 Days including this one to get it done.


09 May 2013

Tomorrow I will get the 110v/12v Connections Installed in the Vehicle. It is supposed to Rain, but today was supposed to as well, and it's 80 degrees and Partly Cloudy. 

Having an Understanding as what I need to do to Install the 110v Convertor, and that I won't have to Reduce the Voltage from the Vehicles Battery, it should be Straight Forward Installation. Everything is Already Prepped, so All that I have to do is find Hard-Points for some of the Parts of the Equipment and Mount them. I am Not Changing any of the Wiring, maybe Extending a few to get them away from any potential future problems, but the Overall Design will remain as it was in the case.


08 May 2013

I was Concearned for a time about the Voltage to the Converter. I had the Impression that the Battery that was in the Converter Box was a 6v and that I would have to Reduce the Voltage from the Vehicle's Battery to make it work. Upon further Investigation, it is a 12v, and I can Safely Connect the Converter to the Vehicle's Battery. I have outlined where I want the Outlets and the Switch. I am Pondering if I want to add the Lights that Indicate what is going on with the Device or just leave them hidden. I still have them, and it would only require 2 more holes. I will decide upon that when I start the process of adding the Outlets and the Converter.

It looks as though it is supposed to Rain Most of the Weekend. Actually the Rain Starts Tonight/Tomorrow and lasts until Sunday Morning. I am still going to get the Power Converter and the 12v Connection done. It's My last chance to get this done and My tools into the Storage Facility.


07 May 2013

Today is PLASMA, then to do a little Grocery Shopping, then I can perform some Research.


06 May 2013

After getting the 110v/12v Outlets Installed, It will Free Up room in the back of the Vehicle. I have to Remind Myself what 'Other Things' that I have to do before the 'Trip', Like making the Steps up into the Vehicle Strong, and Safe. $50.00 will have to go for 'Fluids' for the Vehicle. It Needs Transmission Seal Sealer, Motorkote1000, Power-Steering Fluid, and a Couple Quarts of Oil. Being Prepared is Essential. I need to find a couple of those Moving Blankets

I found my Extension Cord that I can Sacrifice for the Use in the Vehicle for the 110v Outlet that will be installed in the Passenger-Side Back Door, and I Pulled the Wires from Storage, as well as what I need to Change the Oil in the Vehicle. I am Ready and Prepared to get the 110v/12v Outlets installed and in a very short amount of time as possible.


05 May 2013

Another Beautiful Day in Store, but I have the Laundry to get done before I can pursue anything that I would want to.

Laundry: Done. I am Painting the Outdoor Electrical Cover, Black. I am awaiting for the Flat Black Paint to Dry, and I have another Hour to Wait, then I can put Sealer on it. Then I have to let that Dry for a Couple of Hours. I have Decided to place the Outdoor Outlet on the Passenger-Side Rear Door, Because if I go Camping, I want the Outlet on the Side of the Vehicle where I will be Spending most of My time, and that's the Side with the Sliding Door, where I will be getting In, and Getting Out of the Vehicle. I wish that the Licence Plate Flipped Down, Because I would Hide the Outlet there, Behind the Plate. Also, it would keep it out of the Weather better.

I have to get a Cheap Extension Cord that will go from the Drivers Side, to the Passenger Side and Back Towards the Drivers Side to the Outlet. I wonder if a 6 foot one would work? The Color does not matter because No-One will even see it. Do I need the 'Box' that comes with it? I am thinking...No, because it will be Sealed, and Shielded from the Weather by the Door itself. It would reduce the chance that the weight of the box to distort the sheet-metal. Of course I will still use the Gasket between the cover and the sheet-metal of the door. I know what I have to do, and I am sure that once I get going on it, I can have it Completed in a reasonable time-frame.

The Cover is Painted and Sealed, and is sitting in the Sun to Dry. The Black Color should help the Clear-Coat Dry. The wind/air should also help, as it caresses the Shape and Moves the Warm Surface created by the Black color, Releasing the Fumes into the Air, Furthering the Drying Process.

The Paint is Drying, but Not fast Enough for My Taste. I have to Wait until 1:30p before I can touch it, then it's going back in it's original Packaging for Safety until I am ready to Install it, which will be next week, or This Friday at the Earliest. By then, the Paint and Sealer will have more than enough time to Harden and become less susceptible to just Cracking and falling off.

Again; 2 Red Wires and One Black Wire will come Directly from the Battery, and 1 Red Wire will come from the Fuse Box. They All 3, will travel within the Vehicle to the Drivers-Side Rear where the 2 Red Wires and the Black Wire from the Battery will Connect to the Converter, and the Remaining Red Wire will Connect to the 12v Connection, which will be connected/Grounded to the Body of the Vehicle. The Electrical Input for the 110v Converter will Remain, and will be Hidden and Not used yet. I will connect that to a Solar Panel in the Future (Possibly). The Project after this will be to get that Solenoid connected to the Brakes to Disengage the Transmission when I am coming to a stop. If that is Successful, then I will convert it to work off of the Throttle-Body when My Foot is off of the Gas Pedal it will then go into Neutral so the Vehicle can Coast until the time that I apply my foot to the Gas Pedal and Start Accelerating.

The Brakes on the Vehicle will need to be changed soon, they are beginning to Squeek. As long as they are done before this Winter I will be Happy. These that are on there now, have been on there for 5 Years, and I am talking of the Front Pads.

I have No Intent of Cutting a Huge Hole in either the Plastic Interior Part or in the Sheet-Metal of the Back Doors. A Hole with the Dimensions of 2.75 inches by 1.375 inches will be large enough for the Outlets to come through, then the Cover Plates can be used. Speaking of which, I have to Modify and Clean up the Covers for the Interior. I can only repaint the Outlet Cover, but I have to Tape off the area where the Switches are going to be and paint the Edges of that one. I do Not want to Paint over the Words. So, I have to make sure that tonight, when I take the Newly painted Weatherproof Outlet Cover out with me, I take the Black Primer/Paint and the Sealer as well so I will have them when I get to that point.


04 May 2013

Today, I go back to the Parents and Finish the Fence, and then I can Work on getting the 110v/12v Ports installed so I can have Power at my disposal from the back of the Vehicle. I plan on putting an Outlet on the Outside of the Back Door so I don't need to open the Back door to have Power.

I did what I could to the Fence, but did Not get a chance to work on the Vehicle as I hoped that I would. I have to find 3 power-points from the Fuse Box, 2 need to be for the Voltage Converter, and One for the 12v Jack.

I am going to Run the Power for the 110v Converter from the Battery to the Back. Do I need to Run the Negative all the way back as well? I think that it would be the 'Smart' thing to do, for Safety. So, I will have to go back to the Storage Facility and get the Black Wire. I will have to use 'Wire-Nuts' as well, and then Tape them off for Safety. I will 'Hard-Wire' the Converter as another Safety Precaution. I am going to Paint the Outside of the Outdoor Outlet Cover Black Tomorrow, and then it will have more than enough time to dry, and I can put a Sealer Coat on it as well.


03 May 2013

Chilly Friday Morning. I have a Lot on my plate today, and it looks like it's going to Bleed through the whole weekend.

I was able to get Most things done today. I am Very happy with the Steering, because it responds so well now. The Good Tires on the Front make for better handling and Stopping. The Tire that I am now using as a Spair has a Broken Belt, and if I have a Flat, it will end up on the Passenger-Rear, and the Tire there will Replace the Flat Tire. There is no longer any Wind coming in between the Front Fenders and Doors. I have to work on Finishing the Addition of the 110v/12v Ports on the Inside-Drivers Side Rear. I have the Electrical Components readied. I will have only One more weekend to get everything done.


02 May 2013

After I get back from the 'Trip', I am going to Start getting things for this Line of Research. I am going to persue finding what it would take to get a permit for camping at the 'Laskey' Site so I can start doing Overnights there for Research Purposes.

I am going to make the 'Fold-Out Extension for Camping' that Extends out the Back of the Vehicle and uses the Back Doors as Walls. Could I use the Latch Points to hold up the Sleeping Platform?

This weekend is being used up already! I have One task after another that needs to be Completed.

"Moaning Call", what's that about? Maybe it's Begging for Food?


01 May 2013

I am Focusing on the Vehicle and getting that Fixed up before pursuing any Hobbies. But I will be getting out very Soon.


30 April 2013

Nothing to see here...Move on.


29 April 2013

I have been Busy Focusing on My Series of SciFi Books and have been neglecting any research in this area. I don't see myself doing any anytime soon.


28 April 2013

The Vehicle sounds so much better. I have addressed the Wind Noise between the front fenders and the doors, and the Exhaust is Very Tolerable.


27 April 2013

So Yesterday I was Able to Fix the Exhaust, and I believe for the Final time this Year. I will have to get another Exhaust Manifold and more than likely a New Cross-Over, and if that happens, I might as well do the whole exhaust all the way out the back. I Cut the Exhaust Tip and Raised it up high enough so it will not catch a Curb whenever I parallel park. I Also Adjusted the Front Fenders so the Air does not go between the Front Fenders and the Doors. It was Easier then I had previously thought. All I had to do was loosen one Bolt, then Pry the Fender until it come out far enough to match the door, then retighten the Bolt. Now I have to get the Tire that I have in the Back of the Vehicle Mounted onto the Rim and Balanced, then Recheck the Alignment. After that, I believe that the Vehicle will be ready for Long Trips. I believe that it will cost another $45.00 for that. 

I still plan on Adding the 110v/12v Power outputs in the Back and an Outlet in the Rear, Drivers Side Back Door. I Also plan on making a Fold-Out Camper for the Rear of the Vehicle.


24 April 2013

Well, the Weather Channel LIED! It is still raining! So, No, I will Not be going out. Unfortunately.

So, it Has been Confirmed. 'Tree-Peekers' have Claws. I know, sounds rediculous, and I believe that their Finger and Toe Nails are being Mistaken as Claws. They are just Overgrown.

So, I go to the Library today and as I was Paralell Parking, My Exhaust hits the Curb, and Breaks it Further. Now it is Extreemly Noisy. I will have a lot of Welding to do, as well as Drilling and possibly Retapping for new Bolts. It Never Ends. I will ensure that the Exhaust Tip is Above the 6 inch Mark so this does not, ever happen again. The Sun is out currently, and the Radar shows No Rain Tomorrow, even though the Weather Channel say that we will have Rain Tomorrow. 


23 April 2013

Soon...I will be able to get out to the 'Laskey' Site and perform more research. The weather is getting better, and My Vehicle is getting better. 

Now it's to be 48 degrees on Wednesday. It was to be in the 60's. 61 degrees Friday and 66 degrees on Saturday. Let's see if that holds true or not.

Friday, I will be getting the Tire Changed, and then Saturday, I will be working on the Fenders and the Alignment once again. Hopefully, I will be able to Incorporate the 110v outlets and the 12v outlet in the back of the Vehicle.


22 April 2013

Today, Would be a great day to Persue this Hobby/Research Outdoors. It's only 35 degrees currently, but is to get to 63 degrees and remain Sunny. I need to Invest in getting the Tire Mounted on the Rim and then putting the Effort in the Alignment and fixing the Fender issue. Could be as simple as adding a couple of washers at the Bottom Bolt on Each Fender.

Wednesday looks good for Working on the Vehicle, but Friday looks the best. I have to get this work done for the Safety of My passengers and make the Vehicle more Dependable.

For whatever reason, the 'Tree-Peekers' like using 'Root Balls'. I have actually Experienced this Phenomonon. I saw Two Red Eyes peering over a Root Ball the last time that I was at the 'Laskey' Site.


21 April 2013

I have been reading books this weekend and taking down information. It did not relate to this subject, but I needed the Information for my project.

I am getting Closer to having the Vehicle ready for this summer. I have a Tire to get Mounted, then after a couple days, to Re-Do the Alignment the Final time. Why Again? Because with Better Tires on the Front, I will get a better result, and thus be able to save on more fuel. I still have to Realign the Fenders to reduce the Drag.


18 April 2013

A Half-Day for My Son today. It's currently 55 degrees and Cold, with Gusts of wind. I am anticipating a good weekend so I can once again get some work done on the Vehicle, like once again Fixing the Exhaust (Perminately) and getting to the Fenders and Turning the Passenger Alignment to more of a 'Toe-In' Stance. It's pulling to the right a bit. I Also have to get the Tire in the Back Mounted on the Rim that currently is holding the Bald Tire. That will be $30.00+ to get that done. I will have 4 Good tires for the trip. The tire that's on the Drivers-Side Front was one that I had last Year when we took the same trip, and then it was going Flat. Currently it is Holding Air Pressure.

I have to Remove the Tool Box and place it back into Storage again, until the Trip is Completed.

Vehicle To-Do List:

1-Alignment Tweaks.

2-Fix Exhaust (Perminately).

3-Tire Mounted/Balanced.

4-Adjust Front Fenders.

5-Check Fluids. (Add Fuel Cleaner, Flush Radiator)

It has Jumped to 73 degrees with Rain and Wind. 


17 April 2013

We have a Sunny Day that is supposed to get warm. Still...I cannot go anywhere. No Finances to go places. Have a Trip to Consider.


16 April 2013

Another Dark and Gloomy Day. I have to go do My Tuesday thing, but there have no real new development in this field where I can add information.

The Sun did finally show itself, and it got to almost 60 degrees, which I was enjoying. I still have a few things to do for the Vehicle before leaving to New York. 


15 April 2013

Rainy and 66 degrees today. I have turned off the Heat in the House and plan on opening some windows when the Temperature reaches 55 degrees. 


14 April 2013

I have been working on a different project. The weather has been less that cooperative this last week, and I am hoping for better weather.

The weekly weather is supposed to be rain. It did Snow earlier. So far, Next week from the 19th to the 24th is supposed to be nice and dry.


13 April 2013

Nothing to see here. Move on.


12 April 2013

Weather is still uncooperative and I am feeling Ill. Sinuses, I think.


11 April 2013

Well, I have more work to do on the Vehicle before going to the 'Laskey' Site, or anywhere else.


10 April 2013

It's still Cold and Raining outside, and Nothing new in this area of research.


09 April 2013

Though the 'Tree-Peekers' are used to this weather, I am not, and will not be going anywhere for a while.


08 April 2013

The 'Great Debate' continues. Is it More Human-Like or More Ape-Like? Doctor Jeff Meldrum in the Big Cheese on the 'Tree-Peekwrs' and he's still unsure.


07 April 2013

Look for Spruce Trees missing their Lower Branches. This is an Indication that there is a Bedding Spot close.

I did get the Tires Aligned and the Exhaust Fixed (for Now) and did some of the Grocery Shopping. I have a few more items to get yet for the week. I am going to do that tomorrow after Stephen is off to School. I believe that I have Over-Corrected the Alignment by a Smidge, but it's something that I can easily take care of.


05 April 2013

'HAPPY FIRST-CONTACT DAY!' Now that is out of the way, It's a Cold 45 degrees outside, despite the Bright Circle thing in the Sky. I instead helped my Parents with a couple chores before returning home. It's even Cold in here. I had the Heat off and a Window opened because I thought it was going to be at least decent outdoors. So I turned the Heat back on. I am Instead going to work on things around here. Tomorrow, I will do the Laundry (I hope). I am waiting for the State Aid money to come in.


04 April 2013

Friday and Sunday look like great days for this Research.

I'd better make the best of those 2 days. That means working on the Vehicle as well. 

So, Friday, I will get the Alignment done on the Vehicle, and maybe the Fenders straightened out, Plus I have to Fix the Exhaust again. The Fasteners came free once again. This is going to be an all day thing. Then I can make the best of Sunday at the 'Laskey' Site.

I want to take a lot of Pictures of the Anomalies, Bridges, and Old Foundations for future referrence when going out there.

Oh yeah, I have to Print off the Map, Glue it Together, and Spray a Sealer on it so I can Mark on it. I need to Mark where I took the Pictures so I can accurately place the pictures on Google-Map.


03 April 2013

Oranges and Apples. (With the Oranges, they must be shown how to remove the peels.)

Place Trail-Camera inside Cooler facing Skywards to catch any Faces peering into it.

Wasn't 'ENOCH' a Giant-Hairy Man mentioned in the Bible? Seems the 'Tree-Peekers' like to use that word/Name. Do the 'Tree-Peekers' revere 'ENOCH' as Humans do their God?


02 April 2013

I guess that 'April Fools' was Extended to this Morning. There was Snow on the ground. I did the PLASMA thing already, so Now I can spend the day with My Son.

I cannot wait to get at the Modifications and Repairs to the Vehicle. I know that I have an Outdoor GFCI Outlet and Cover, and a Blue, Plastic Electrical box. I also have Scilicone to ensure that it will be Water-Tight. Instead of just cutting a hole, I will leave enough Sheet-Metal so I can bend it and help hold the Electrical Box.

When the 'Tree-Peekers' get used to you, they like to play games and see if you can follow them. One technique to handle this is to, Stop, Find a place to sit, and wait for them to return.


01 April 2013 'APRIL FOOLS DAY'

The Meanest April Fools Day Joke on Me is to go and Pay the Bills.

That was Painful. But, Again, We Survived. 

Now I know for sure what I want to do about supplying 110v/12v Power to the back area of the Vehicle. I also am Positive at what else that I have to do for the Vehicle, like Aligning the Steering, Adjusting the Front Fenders, Getting One Tire Fixed and Another Mounted, and then the TBI, Solenoid, and Maybe I will figure out how to get some Sheet-Metal work done. Michigan can sure be rough on Vehicles during the Winter Months.

Soon, within this Month, The Vehicle will be Operating the best that it had ever been since I have Owned it in the last 5 years. It will have 2 really good tires. I will have to recheck the Bearings Tightness on Both Front Wheels. It felt like it shifted a bit earler, but that could have been from slipping on something.

When finding Fresh Feces, It's the Outside layer that will contain any DNA. The Inside will give you a clue on the Diet.


31 March 2013

Yesterday I was able to get most everything completed. What I did not get Completed was making the Fenders so they were beyond the doors to keep air from getting between them, and I Did not get the chance to Properly Align the Steering.

Tracking the 'Tree-Peekers' Requires that you know the Signs. Such as; Inline Step, Mid-Tarsal Break, Twist-Break Branches, Broken Branches above 6 foot height, Hair Samples, Feces, and Remains of Prey. Keep in mind that the 'Tree-Peekers' are known for their Smell, a Skunky-Musty Odor.

By the way, HAPPY EASTER!

Having the Fenders beyond the Doors will stop the wind from going between the Door and Fender, and Increase the Fuel Mileage as well. 

Correcting the Fender Problem, Aligning the Steering, and Installing the Electrical 110v/12v Service into the van will be My Goals for the 2nd week of April. I am Tempted to add an Outdoor Outlet on the Back Door on the Drivers Side of the Vehicle. It will be Switched from the Inside so no-one will be able to just turn it on and drain my battery. This will give me Added time in the field to do Camping and/or Research.

I am Always 'Thinking' of new ways to better improve the Surroundings that I am in. I need to get some 1" Plywood, Tent Material, and a few other things so the Van could easily be converted to Camping situations. I don't have the Finances to do it in the manner that I really want to, and that is making the Tarp cover the top of the Van where a couple people can climb up into and sleep there. I just want to make it where the Additional square footage folds out of the back, between the doors, and then up to make the top of the 'Tent'. I have a 'Vision' on how it is to opperate. And I don't want it to be Complicated. I just want to open the back doors, Unfold the Tent area and Lock it down. And it should be just as easily folded and stored when ready to leave.

I will have to visit the Storage again to get some of the material for adding Outlets from my electrical tool-box. I have an Outdoor Outlet and Box there that I can use. I had a thought, an Solar Panel that will unfold with the Top of the Sleeping area that will help keep the Vehicles Battery Charged. That will keep me from burning fuel to keep the electrical up and running. The 'Tent' Area will have to be Small and Light Enough so it is removeable. To save Energy, I can use a String of White LED Christmas Lights to light up the Inside of the Vehicle. I will have to make some Covers for the Side windows, and the Rear Windows, and I have to make a Divider between the Front Seats and the Back/Sleeping area. A thin Tent Material for the Perminant Top would be the first thing, and a Secondary Layer of a Heavier Canvas Material would be used for colder nights. Of course it will be removeable in the event that it goes from 15 degrees to 80 degrees and then back to 15 degrees. Maybe 2 layers of Plastic tarp? Maybe to make it easier, I will have the second layer so it folds down the back so it's easily accessable in the event that it is needed. It will be Stored away and the doors closed when Travelling, of course.

I am happy with My current Achievments concearning the Vehicle, but I know that I am far from being finished from My Goals for it. It needs to be safe and I need it to be able to serve other uses, like an Power supply for Household Electronics that can be used while camping. But, My MAIN Goal is getting the Fuel Mileage to at least 30mpg's. Though 25mpg's right now would mean One tank of Fuel to get to Western New-York, and One to get Back.

I will be adding the Outlet to the back of the Vehicle, Recessed into the Driver's side Back Door, and I will paint the Cover either a Dark Blue, or Black. Either way, it will be made hard to see so others do not try to use it, or damage it.


30 March 2013

The Weather Today:

Keeping in mind that it's at 3:00pm whan it will reach that goal, and it's 29 degrees now, at 9:00am, so, Split the Difference by 6 hours and that makes the temperature rise to (28 divided by 6) 4.65 degrees (Roughly) per Hour. And it will reach 40+ degrees by Noon (Or 11:30am). That's when I am going to the place where I can do the work and getting it done Today.


29 March 2013

Well, it's 51 degrees outside at 4:08pm. Did not get the oppertunity to work on the vehicle, but will tomorrow. It Must be done. I will not have any time next week to do anything, for My Son has 'Spring-Break'.

My opinion is that the 'Beings' know of the Surveillance Cameras, for whatever reason. Either by Sensing a Noise associated with them, or they are able to sense the IR Lights. They keep as far away as they possibly can. Would a 'Bird House' with a 'Game Camera' be effective?

'Black-Lights' and 'UV' Lights, A Great possibility to Detect the 'Beings'. Well, 'Black-Light' Exposes Urine. The 'Tree-Peekers' have to Urinate, and they cannot be as neat as Humans, and in that, Humans Inadvertantly Urinate on themselves.

I need one of those 'Distance Wheels' so I can get a accurate range from the Camera to the Object.

Try to Re-Create the Events to Establish Important Data.


28 March 2013

Today will be no time for this Site. My Son is to have Oral Surgery.

I have to Address the 'Camping' Issue for My Research. A place to go Toilet will be Necessary. I was thinking of a PVC Frame of 4 foot by 3 foot with a Tarp (Cheap) surrounding it at the size of 6 foot by 16 foot for overlap, and a white or clear tarp for the roof, held up by 1 inch (or less) diameter PVC so the Rain will Roll off. The Sleeping area will be of 1 inch Plywood that will fold out of the back, with Tarp to Protect from Bugs and Rain. I may Double the Tarp to keep the Inside either cooler, or warmer. I want to build a Stove/Heater mainly for Colder weather Excursions. The Stove/HEater will be Outside and away from the Sleeping Area, a Double-Lined Duct will go through the Sleeping area and it will have Holes so the Heat can Escape into the Sleeping Area. The Stove/Heater will be fed by either a liquid fuel (Drip) or by Corn (Fed). In those manners, it should be able to supply heat throught the night.


27 March 2013

Well, it's 30 degrees and Sunny, which means that I will be warm because of My Black Jacket and when I'm moving around generating Heat. Just hope the Vehicles are not Sunken into the Mud. I have an Idea where I can get the Parts, because a Couple of the Vans at the Scrap-Yards already had their Engines/Motors pulled out so I have a Free and Clear access to them. The Time Consuming thing will be getting the right tools the First time around.

The Temp rose a degree within the last Hour, but it needs to work on getting to 2 degrees per hour. I will take 3 degrees per hour and to stop at 50 degrees. Just saying.

All Parts Obtained. Was Not Exactly Easy. Had the 48oz Hammer (The Big One) Drop on my Right Hand. Numbed it for quite a while. The Drag-Link proved to be the most Difficult to remove. Though the Bearings for the Sliding Door were a Challenge. The Idler-Arm was by far the Easiest to get at and remove. For $30.00 I got those 3 things and a Great looking Tire. If I were to buy the Parts New (Including the Tire), the Cost would have been $110.00. Now If I had it all done in a shop, it Would have been an Easy $600.00. Now you know why I prefer to do everything Myself.

I did get Rather Wet and Dirty, having to lay down in the Thawing Snow and the Water running off of the Vehicles around Me. Getting the Donor Van to where I could work on it was Time Consuming, I mean a Challenge. At first I could Not find anything to Prop the First Side up. I Finally Found a Donut (Spare Tire) and that was not enough, so I searched, and searched until I found another. After getting Some Height, I place them under the frame so I could get at a better spot to raise the Van Higher, then I placed both of the Spare Tires Upright and lowered the jack. I had to do that a few times until I knew that I would be Safe, and the Van would Not Fall on Me. Then I could Start unfastening the parts. Some of the Nuts were difficult to get free, and I had to work on them almost until they were almost all of the way off. Then came using the 'Pickle-Fork' to Seperate the parts. In One situation with the 'Drag-Link', I did Not have any Angle to get at it. I used anoither Tool, and it was a Mild Success, Meaning a Failure. I had to Raise the Other side of the Van so I could Turn the wheels and get at the Bolt, and the Van Almost Fell, So I had to Re-set the First Side on those Tires, and then the Jack so it would Not Move.

Well, it has reached 46 degrees. It has less than an hour to get one more degree warmer.

On Friday, the 29th, I will be putting the parts that I got today on the Vehicle. It is supposed to be 47 degrees,v one more than it is Now. I can then Start addressing the Addition of the 12v/110v power outlets. I will have to make sure that I bring My 'Dremel' Tool.c A List of things that I have to Achieve Friday.

1.Replace Idler-Arm.

2.Replace Drag-Link.

3.Replace Sliding Door Bearing.

4.Adjust Fenders on Front. (Outwards)

5.Get Tire Mounted on Rim and get Other Tire Fixed. ($20.00)

6.Find Exhaust Leak and Fix.

That should be enough for the day. I have to keep in mind that I will be Removing 3 parts before replacing them.


26 March 2013

Not much time for this today. We will see.

New Sylvanic Bigfoot Video 2. A live action video analysis of a Sasquatch on


and the Follow-Up Information;

Coast to Coast AM Guest Todd Standing talks Sylvanic Bigfoot Video 3


Something to Consider.

Another Key piece of Research is to look for Track-Ways with Branches broken at the 6 foot height and above. It will give good indication of the Height and Activity of the 'Being(s)' within that area. Look for Fresh Breaks of small branches. 

Looking like a good week to get started on fixing of the Vehicle. Tomorrow is supposed to have Sun along with the Current Temp of today. I will not be able to do anything at all Thursday, but Friday, or Saturday, I will be able to Finish up the Vehicle.

It will be nice to have the 24mpg's again, and if I am right, it will be 25mpg's after fixing the Front Fenders situation. After getting 2 Better Tires, I will get the TBI from an Heavy-Duty Chevrolet Pick-Up, or Van, and Replace Mine with that, fooling the Computer in thinking it's Pushing a HEavier Load than it is, and thus making for better response and Fuel savings. I should be getting 28mpg's to possibly 30mpg's then. Then I have to Focus on the Solenoid to Disenguage the Transmission at Stops, then I can take that further by placing a switch at the TBI that will tell the Solenoid that My foot is off the accelerator and that it can go into Neutral.

It has decided to start raining. Let's see if it ends soon enough. As soon as I can create the Linkage that will work with the Gear Selector and the Solenoid, then I can Add the Switch on the TBI. Because if it works with the Brake-Lights, it will work with a Switch.


25 March 2013

'Lillith' the First Wife of 'Adam'. Story goes that Adam designed his first wife to be Independant, Strong, and Brave, and then she dumped him, so 'God' removed her from Paradise and casted her into the far reaches of the wilderness, thus, Bigfoot. 'Adam' was a Giant, so 'Lillith' had to be large. She was described as Hairy and Animal like.

"Who be You?" was once asked by a 'Tree-Peeker' to a camp of men at what is known as the 'Four-Corners' in the United States Mid-West area.

Can the 'Dog-Men' work in Conjunction with the 'Tree-Peekers'? Seems one Ametuer Researcher thinks so. He has several Videos where he catches these 'Dog-Men' behind him using a rear facing video camera.

Why can't someone just say; "Hello. We know that you are here/there, come out. Your Hiding envokes Fear in us that will eventually lead to bad things. Let's remove that Fear by being Open with each-other. Please. Come out."

Here we have Reports of Giants Emerging from a UFO in Russia (Picture Above), witnessed by Many people there. Do these not look like the 'Tree-Peekers'? See the bent tree and the 'Being' to the right of it?  ANCIENT GIANTS existed - Best Full Documentary-HD    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4642t4dvMc&NR=1&feature=endscreen  

I hear people in the field say; "share, Share, SHARE!" But then they give out Misleading information, or just False Information to make others fail in their research. The Competition is Fierce, and if I give mine, then they Will come in and force me out, then claim the credit. That's how bad that I believe it is within the field. So I will be keeping My information Private until I can 100% prove that they Live to Others that doubt, or disbelieve.

Maybe I should call myself "ENKIDU2013" if I do start getting Great Video and Pictures of these 'Beings'. The Name is Obvious but the last Four Digits are for the Year of Discovery.

There are some things I wonder about sharing. Every Researcher overlooks certain things, but I take note. Why? I guess that I am Observant in that manner. They may have had the time to look back and reflect on their experiences and come to the conclusion themselves, but after reviewing the majority of their work...It does not look like they did. They don't Practice anything that would reflect that they had come to the conclusions that I have. Yes, Currently, I am an 'Arm-Chair' Researcher with only One field Experience. Not an Overnighter, just 6 hours outdoors. That's the Extent. This year I hope to be able to Multiply that by 200+ hours and at least 6 Overnights. We will see what happens.

From what I have seen, Researchers do Not like to follow other's suggestion, rather, they like to make fun of their ideas. Then, if they try and it works, they will take full credit for it.

The Winter is Not done with us. The Snow is Flying!


24 March 2013

Whistling may be a sign of Greeting. A short, Direct whistle. And it's followed by a Snap. Teeth Clacking, or Tounge to the roof of the mouth type of snap. "Whistle-Snap" and while it does this, it Rocks Side-to-Side. Non-Threatening Behavior. Showing of the Upper Teeth significance is unknown. Is it a Threat? Kind of hard to believe that it is after such a greeting that the 'Tree-Peeker' exposed his whole body. Was the Baring of teeth an attempt to smile like Humans?

I will have to rewrite my way of greeting the 'Tree-Peekers' so that way I don't get torn to shreds by them.

A "Whoop" may be a way to locate other members. The Native Americans carved Masks with the "Ooo" face, and this applied to all of the Nations. So it may be a "Oo-Ooop". And they do it in Threes.

Are the 'Tree-Peekers' becoming more bold? There have been a lot of sightings of the Beings in open areas. Maybe they are just getting tired of hiding.


23 March 2013

The 'Tree-Peekers' get Mad if they are on a Hunt for Turkey and come accross Humans that are Camoflauged making Turkey Calls. I guess that could be a sound of Frustration, like when one is fooled into believing there is something there and then come to find out it was not what one would think.

In 2000, they said to Save the 'Tree-Peekers', they Suggested the Shooting of one. Reason; to Save a Dying Race. Does Not make any sense.

The 'Tree-Peekers' Use their Ability to Climb Trees to scout for Live Foods.

I need to get some Tarp, Poles, and Rope so I can make a Cover for the Passenger, Sliding Door side of the Vehicle so I will have somewhere to sit under on Hot, Sunny Days, or on Wet, Rainy Days. I kind of wish that I never let My Large Tent go. Water under the Bridge. The Tarp would have to be 15 feet by 15 feet at a minimal and a Color not associated with the Natural Surroundings, and Maybe Blue.

The "Patterson/Gimlin Film", It's been Scientifically Disected by Several well-known people in the "Bigfoot" Community, and by Overlays of 'Humans' to see if a 'Human' could Fit with such a Supposed Suit? And the Answer keeps comming back as "NO" A 'Human' could Not have 'Fitted' within the Framework that it would have been needed for that suit, let alone perform the way needed to make it look as it did. What was the Diameter of the/any Tree on that Film? Could that have been used to Judge the Height of 'Patty' the 'Bigfoot'?

I will be using the Diameter of a Tree for any Measurement of Height that I take of a 'Tree-Peeker'.

I find that Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum is Extreemly Knowlegeable on the Creatures/Beings commonly known as 'Bigfoot'.

This is the Wiring Diagram for Converting the power from a larger Voltage Battery to a Voltage that My Video-Camera can handle. I have Two 6 volt batteries that are rechargable, each capable of giving me 80 minutes, plus the normal battery that gives me 40 minutes. Alltogether I should have a total recording time of 200 minutes, or 3 hours and 20 minutes. I have to make a way to mount the Larger Battery onto the Tri-Pod, and I need a Cord that has the proper connection for the Video-Camera. I have to make a Tech area so I can easily find my Ideas like this one and the 360 degree video recording that will use as many recording devices such as 'FLIR', 'Thermal', 'Night-Vision', 'Laser Range-Finder', Normal Video, Audio, and whatever that is Available to Record with. And having 3 of these devices tied into a Computer would be able to provide a hell of a lot of Information, like Height, Speed, Direction, and give a 3D Location and Picture of the Being. I see each of these fore mentioned devices used independently with little success, and only one at a time. Having 3 Devices that Record in all of those aspects at the same time, and can be overlayed, with the way of getting a 3D picture of the being(s) in motion would be priceless. So making a piece of equipment that can record overlayed pictures at 360 degrees, and having 3 of these devices so the target can be triangleated and recorded in 3D. No-One could Argue what is being recorded. But you know, Someone will have some issues. Unfortunately, the Recording Devices would be the ones going around in Circles and Not the Mirrors. It needs to be the Mirrors that Spin, or pick up Images in a 360 degree manner, and all from the same set of mirrors.

How It Works: 360-Degree Internet Video  https://www.pcworld.com/article/17152/article.html  

If I find a 'Tree-Structure', I will take it down, with Respect, and pile it neatly somewhere close, and then see what happens. Will it get Rebuilt? Or will the 'Tree-Peekers' become so Upset that they Totally destroy it? Or would they come out to attack me?

I may collect enough information on the Gratiot County's Lost Town of 'Laskey' to actually write a small book. 

Glenn Kimball, who discussed evidence for intelligent 'ape people' (or Bigfoot) in 2,000 year-old texts. That's some revealing information. I am beginning to wonder about this guy. Bigfoots live 'Under Ground', according to this guy. Kimball is an Expert in Ancient Texts, and that's where he discovered this information of the 'Ape Like Men'.DiscloseTruthTV

David Paulides is a 'Cat Vet' Supporter.

Daniel Boone saw a 'Bigfoot' in Kentucky. Where did Teddy Roosevelt experience his Encounter? (Bitteroot Mountains, Montana) The "Hoopa Project", That I have to Research because David Paulides is part of it. Hoopa, California. Near 'Bluff Creek' where the 'Patterson/Gimlin' Film was shot.

'Tree-Peekers' like to roll up into a Ball to Simulate a Tree Stump to Observe. They also like to use the Trees to move around above people.

The level of Intelligence for the 'Tree-Peekers' has been Compared to the Chimpanzee, or other Great Apes. Possibly could fall between a Human and a Great Ape, but not by much. This is Jeffery Meldrum's point of view. 


21 March 2013

Not much time for Research. My Son has Half a Day at School, then I have to take him to his Doctors for a Physical so Next week, He can have his Oral Surgery and feel better and be able to eat and gain weight again. It will be Soft Foods for about a week.


20 March 2013

Good Researchers Smoke Cigars.

I don't Understan why a 'Tree-Peeker' would place a Log Perpindicular to the other Trees and at 6 feet or more above the ground. I have seen several examples of this recently. The Researchers never perform a close examination to see if the Trunks are Mechanically Fastened and if there are any Markings that a Chain or Cable would have been used to say...Hang a Deer for Dressing. And then again, the 'Tree-Peekers' Could be Mimicking Human Actions. Watching the Hunters Dress their Deer Carcases.

I have another Idea, and that is to let a Laser-Pointer Hang Facing to the Ground, on a Cord. Leave the Laser-Pointer on so it freely Swings around making the Dot Move Irratically on the ground. This should catch the attention of anything to draw it in. The Laser-Pointer should be placed over 20 feet in a tree with a short and almost stiff cord because the Movement of the point would be too exagerated. And it will be Fun to see Animals trying to Chase the Little Red Dot as it moves on the Floor of the Woods/Forest.

I have noticed that the 'Tree-Peekers' like to only expose themselves just enough so they can see you, and for them to reveal as little of themselves as possible. Like projecting their head forwards, and their shoulders backwards, with a lean forwards, this only exposes their face. When people look for the 'Tree-Peekers', they are looking for Body and all.

The 'Tree-Peekers' seem to show their Top Teeth when they are Not happy with intruders. Bigfoot Beside The Trail  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AWuE_I2OVk  by Scott Carpenter

I need to create a 360 degree Recording System, and I need to be able to tie in Several Devices, then have them all become combined into one Image. I Need a Minimum of 4 (One as a Back-Up in the event one fails), and then place them in different areas so the Images can be used as a 3D. The Video-Camera needs to be Supplimented with a Range Finder, Infra-Red Camera, and a Night Vision Camera, oh yes, the Most Important...the Thermal Camera. With the 5 Cameras Overlaying Pictures, and the 3 Stations collecting the Information, It could Track Anything Moving and Provide 3D Images that Include the Range/Speed/Direction of the Subject.

Do the 'Tree-Peekers' use Streams to Walk and Hide their tracks? Makes sense because the Stream would wash away their tracks.


19 March 2013

The end of this Month has Suddenly become Very Busy with Family Matters. I have to get a few things done on My Son's Behalf so his Oral Care can be Addressed.

This May, or May Not, Affect my Ability to get the Vehicle's Steering Fixed.

When it Rains, It Pours. Today, the 'Tablet' Device I had made so many sacrafices for to get for My son so he could Communicate...Well, it ended up being Broken some time between this morning after he was on the Bus to the time he returned home. It had been removed from it's Case and replaced upside down. 2 Corners were flattened. The Screen is Not Broken Physically, it just does not display the way it is meant to.


18 March 2013

Snow, SNOW, SNOW! That Damn Groundhog Lied! Shoot it Now! On a Serious Note. They should replace the bugger. I am still in the Research via 'YouTube' Phase. I did however get the information to Obtain a Camping Permit for the 'Laskey' area. Cost yet unknown. Here again is the Address and other Information;

Rose Lake Field Office
8562 Stoll Rd.
East Lansing, MI 48823

"Fix-It-All" and "Latex Spray Paint" to create Casts of Imprints.

I need to borrow a Leaf Rake so I can clear any area where I Camp. I am going to Install Outlets with a Voltage Converter in the Rear Driverside of the Vehicle with a 12 Volt outlet as well so I can Power the Standard use items, and Recharge any items that may need it.


17 March 2013

I have been following this Florida Skunk-Ape, or Mongollion Monster sighting, and it has been interresting because the Park Officials are Contribing things, such as a Man in a Monkey Suit was what everyone had seen, but the Grass was 4 feet high! And the Being was another 4 to 5 feet above it. The Researchers are being harrassed by the Park Rangers to the point of written warnings stuck to their windows and later they were ticketed. They were respecting the parks rules, so the tickets were unwaranted. There was a Woman there with a Camera that had a Telephoto Lense, and she has been difficult to find after the event. The Ranger (Female) Told her Superior that the Researchers were out running around in Monkey Suits and left a Note for the Researchers to Call the Main Office. The Researchers were actually Chased off of the Park Grounds and Banned from Camping or even being on the Property. Myakka State Park in Fla. Squatches make 'Blinds' so they can Ambush Prey (Theory).

So, for the Best Results, Where would I Park while at the 'Laskey' Site? Well, where would the Wind be Coming from? Answer, the North-West. Meaning that I have to park as North-West of the Park that I can. Would I need a Camping Permit? Something that I will need to Research. Here is a Picture of a Desired Parking place.

Where the Yellow Rectangle is, that's where I want to Park and Spend a few Nights if Possible. I have a 'P' on My Vehicles Plate to allow me to be in State Parks, but that (I am sure) does Not allow for Overnight Camping.

Rose Lake Field Office
8562 Stoll Rd.
East Lansing, MI 48823


16 March 2013

I have to keep Down-Wind I enter the Area so I can smell any Foul Odors of the 'Tree-Peekers'.

'Owl' Noises are Common when the 'Tree-Peekers' are Present.

I have once again Reviewed the 'Laskey' Site, Made a Printable Map (Shown Below), with GPS Coordinates for the Major Areas that I want to check out, Mainly the Bridges and a Couple Anomalies.

There is a Lot of Exploration that I will be doing. Each Area Circled in Red, then has the GPS Coordinates in Yellow (Which cannot be read right now) are My First Targets. I will Also be getting Pictures of those Areas as well, for this Site and for Another one of my Sites. I will have to bring My Bicycle so I can cover more ground in a short amount of time. When I do go, I will Ensure that I Show where I will be parking the Vehicle and I will leave the GPS Coordinates as well as a Map in the case that I fail to return at a given timeframe. I have to get a GPS Device and some Ink for the Printer. I will Print the Map and then put it Together, and Finally Spray it with a Sealer to keep it was getting Destroyed by water. It's approximately 7 miles from the South end to the north end of the search area, and from East to West it is Approximately 4 miles. A Bicycle woukd make the Job Quicker/Easier. The Map is Actually 38"x50", LArge enough to use in the Field. It will take a Lot of Ink and at least 25 Sheets of 8.5"x11" Standard paper. 3mph Average Walking Speed would mean that in 4 hours 12 miles can be covered on foot. Now, for Riding a Bicycle, it should at least double and maybe triple to a range of 24 miles to 36 miles that can be covered. I could theoretically cover the whole of the Game Area in a day, depending on how long I stay in one place taking Pictures.

I'd better get a Schedule arranged for My Expeditions. Starting on the 7th of April, and Ending on the 12th.

7th - 'Laskey' Site. Document (Take Pictures) of Bridges and Anomalies.

8th - 'Laskey' Site. Document (Take Pictures) of Foundations of 'Laskey'

9th - 'Laskey' Site. Metal Detect Town of 'Laskey'

10th - 'Laskey' Site. Metal Detect Other Communities around Game Park

11th - 'Laskey' Site. Metal Detect Other House Foundations around Game Area

12th - Go get James Bromley to Metal Detect 'Laskey' Site

There is a 'Rough Draft' of what I am going to try and Attempt within a Week.

It's a 50 mile Drive to 'Laskey', one-Way. After getting the Vehicle Fixed, it should only take 4 gallons of Fuel Round Trip, per Day. 

Finger-Printing Kit! That may come in Handy!

The 'Tree-Peekers' like Chicken.


15 March 2013

There will be No Working on the Van this Weekend, let alone, Today. It's too Cold, Dark and Dreary outside.

Bigfoot Sounds - Whitley Strieber Talks With Ron Morehead on 'YouTube'

I am going to be Focusing on the 'Laskey' Site within the Second Week of April. I want to get Pictures of the Old Bridges, Old Foundations, and Any and All Curiosities. Then I will Add them Here and on GoogleEarth.


14 March 2013

This Weekend I am going to Finish the Repairs to the Vehicle's Steering. Then I will have My 24mpg Mileage back, and then I can Press for 25mpg and over by a few more modifications. After this Step, it's the Throttle-Body that will be Replaced, and in doing that the Vehicle should Increase 3 to 5 mpg. Then after that, it will be the addition of a Solenoid on the Transmission to Dissengauge the Transmission whenever the brakes are used, adding another 1 to 3 mpg's. So, All-in-All the Vehicle should at least increase Gas Mileage by 4 to 8 mpg's for a total of 28mpg to 32mpg. There is a possibility of 448 Miles per Tank to 512 Miles per Tank. 384 Miles per Tank is what I will have after getting the Steering done, which is just under the total mileage for the trip.

The 'Falcon Project', an Ongoing Success or Failer? Two Small Blimps connected by a Rigid piece of Plastic with a Multi-Faceted Camera that can Detect Thermal, INfra-Red, and has Night Vision. Much like Police Helecopters have. I am unsure if it will be Tethered or have a System to propel itself.

Well...the Weather Tanked for this Weekend! It went from going to be in the 50's to 40 degrees! On top of that, Rain, then Snow!


13 March 2013

Let's see what Today will bring.

I need to get the Small Manila Envelopes for Collecting Samples.

Are the 'Tree-Peekers' partial to Soda? Primarily ones with Caramel. Maybe it's the Caramel? They seem to Trade for things they take. Example: 2 Diet Cokes = Large Pile of Pinecones. The Pinecones are used as an Example because the Researcher uses them to Start Fires, and it's Assumed that the 'Tree-Peekers' watched the Researcher gather them and concluded that they were of some Value to the Researcher, as the Diet Soda was of Value to the 'Tree-Peekers'. NOTE: Bring Caramel Flavored Soda.

I will Also have to Ensure that I bring Along My Spotlight when going on any Expiditions.

The next time that I go to the "Laskey" Site, I will be More Interrested in getting Pictures of the Research/Search Areas and the Old Bridges and other Anomalies. Maybe I should bring My Bicycle to make it Quicker and to save Fuel.

I will have to try the Painted Rock Trick to see if that gets any response. I will put a Date on the Rocks and Date them every time that I find them.

Maybe for the Cans of Dark Soda, I will make a carrier and than only a Human-Like being would know how to lift the Cans out of the carrier. This will be added proof of Intelligence.


12 March 2013

I did a Lot of Running this Morning. Had to do the PLASMA thing, then Grocery Shopping, then to the Library and finally to get some Freezer Bags. 


11 March 2013

After this Coming Weekend I will be able to go to the 'Laskey' Site more. I am going to Change out the Idler-Arm and the Drag-Link and Adjust the Steering, then I will regain my 24mpg status. I will then feel safe to get Better Tires for the Front of the Van. Right now, they are getting Worn out Fast because the Steering is not correct. I am looking as though I will be Dumping $80.00 to $100.00 more into the Van. After that has been Completed, I will then be able to get the Solenoid and get it so when I apply the Brakes, the Transmission goes into Neutral so the Engine is Not fighting against the Drive-Train, and thus Saving Fuel when the Vehicle is at a Stop. Every Little bit Helps. The Step immediately after that would be to get the Transmission to go into Neutral when the Gas Pedal is not Depressed. This way I can 'Glide' down slopes without resistance from the Drive-Train. Of Course the Tires against the Road will create Friction, and eventually slow the Van down, but without the rest of the Drive-Train creating Friction, I will be able to Glide Further. Right now, My Glide Ratio is Hindered by the 2 parts that need replacing in concearns of the Steering. Again, I am Aiming for 30mpg, but will settle for anything over 25mpg. Every Extra Mile that I can Gain per Gallon will be Beneficial.

Here's what the Drag-Link looks like;

And here is the Idler-Arm;

And Both are Extreemly Important to the Steering and Handling of the Vehicle. I told my dad that I wished I had a Rack and Pinion Steering like his Front-Wheeled Drive Van. It would be much easier.


10 March 2013

After April 6th I am going to the 'Laskey' Site and Hopefully Drawing the Attention of the 'Tree-Peekers' while Exploring with My 'Metal-Detector'. It seemed to work the last time that I was out there. 

What is the 'Order' of Importance to the Repair List for the Vehicle?

1. 'Idler Arm' and 'Drag Link'

2. Transmission Rear Seal (possibly a 'U' Joint)

3. 2 Tires

4. Solenoid (Door Lock and Associated Springs and Parts)

5. Sliding Door Bearing


09 March 2013

Today, I Repair My Vehicle. I am replacing the Front Bearings. Then it will be back to 24mpg, and after that I can work to get the Fuel Mileage Higher. I am trying for 30mpg before May.

Two less things to Worry about with the Vehicle. I changed the Bearings on Both Sides of the Front and Rotated the Front Brake Parts, and Also Fixed the Exhaust. There are No More Grinding Noises coming from the Front. But My Task does not end there because i still have to Replace the 'Drag Link' and the 'Idler Arm', Plus get the Spare Tire checked out, and Another Tire in better Condition. I have to get a Rear Transmission Seal, and a Roller for the Sliding Door. The one that goes down the Side of the Van. A Solenoid to make the Transmission go into Neutral when coming to a Stop or when I am off of the Gas Pedal and just Coasting. These are Realistic Goals for this year in getting the Mileage up. I have to eventually get Air-Bags so the Van will Drop 4 to 6 inches when the Van gets to 50 Miles Per Hour. All together it should Increase the Mileage near 30 Miles per Gallon. At 24mpg I will get to 384 Miles per Tank. Now, if I get to 30mpg I will get to 480 Miles per Tank. That's with the 15 to 16 Gallon Fuel Tank, and if I was to get a 20 to 22 gallon Tank, I would be able to travel 660 Miles total. I need to Re-Do the Alignment then Tweek it for Additional Fuel Mileage. My Steering Wheel is Off-Kilter and I will have to Address that when performing the Alignment. My Current List of things needed for the Van before any Long Trips;

1. 2 Tires (Used)

2. Solenoid

3. Sliding Door Bearing

4. Drag Link (Steering)

5. Idler Arm (Steering)

6. Rear Transmission Seal


07 March 2013

Tomorrow, I will take My Automotive Tool Box from Storage so I can get the Parts (Bearings) for the Front of the Vehicle to make it Safe. Right now, the Bearings make Driving it a Very Scary Experience, with the way it Shifts from side to side. I will be Repairing the Exhaust as well to Quiet the Ride.


06 March 2013

Some Researchers are still Believing that the 'Cat-Vet' and her DNA Study is All Real. THey will be Dissapointed. I Hope that I get Egg on My Face for Disbelieving the DNA Study, but It All points to a Hoax because of her Connection with Knowm Serial Hoaxers and her Request for a Certain Hunter/Bigfoot Killer to Bleach his Samples.

Katie Flynn, 3yo, Wahalla, Michigan, Child came up missing while at a logging camp. She Describes "Mister Wolf".
Rock Outcroppings is Typical places where Children come up Missing in National Parks.

05 March 2013

I cannot wait to get back to the 'Laskey' Site with My Metal-Detector to once again catch the attention of the Hairy Tree-Peekers. This time I will Place the Camera at a point to catch anything. The last (First) time that I was there, I swear that I had seen a Couple of Red Eyes looking over a Fallen Tree Ball. I was on another Mission, but may have caught it on video.

So...if 'Tree-Knocking' is a 'Warning' to All Bigfoots, why does Every Researcher do it? Especially the ones on the Program "Finding Bigfoot"? They should be fully aware of this fact. Are they Deliberately making the Tree-Peekers Leave?

It is Near 40 degrees outside! I am hoping the Warming Trend continues through the Weekend.

Friday is to be 41 degrees and it is supposed to be in the 40's all Next Week.

An Interesting Concept; Placing a Video-Camera within a Stuffed Toy. This has Already been done, so a 'Tree-Peeker' would be aware of this. Can they see in the 'Thermal Range'? They seem to be able to Detect anything with a Heat Source. Like the Video that I just watched where the 'Tree-Peeker' removed a Video Camera from a Stuffed Toy. Did it Hear it? What Clued it to check?


04 March 2013

Yeppers...The Tree-Knocking is a Warning that there is a Threat in the Area. They Disable Frogs as a Gift of Food in Return for Human(s) Gifting them. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPMQ9ioJtLY  Tom Burnette Discusses His Experiences. (TomBurnette@hotmail.com) He is Offering Camping Experiences with the Possibility to see a Tree-Peeker (Guided Tours). He's in Canada.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=Bjj--hAufig  (Tree Huggers) and really Frustrating to watch this Video that is called 

"Sasquatch and Us" - excerpt from documentary - 2012

I Almost want to Throw Up! This Documentary is Full of SHIT! It's More about their 'Spiritual' Beliefs than actual Evidence. The Ability to Move Between Realities...REALLY! That's called Fantasy!

Musky Allen. I do not know if I believe him or not. He seems Knowlageable, and Articulate, but he's on the side of a Known 'Hoaxer'. Does this Discredit his Knowledge? I don't think so, But why associate yourself with such a person that has 2 'Hoaxes' under his belt already?

He states that he was against the 'Hoaxer', but now believes him based on the fact that he was allowed to see the Body of a Tree-Peeker that the 'Hoaxer' had shot and has in his possession.

Dr. Jeff Meldrum is another well known name in the 'Bigfoot' Research Community. Did he get to see the 'Hoaxer' Dead Bigfoot?

No, But he saw the Video and Comparisons of the Face with a 'Star Wars' 'Chewbaca' Mask and agreed it is Fake.

The 'Hoaxer' that I refer to is named 'Rick Dryer', and Dryer is a Liar. It's his Pseudo Name for use in a 'Research' group.

Dr. Benernigle (sp?), a Scientist that supports 'Timbergiant Bigfoot' on YouTube.

The 'Useful' Information comes in Waves. Musky Allen is a Liar. It Takes a Liar to Support a 'Hoaxer'. They Travel in Packs.

I just Typed in "Musky Allen Hoax" into 'YouTube' and I got all sorts of things, and they all are associated with the Known 'Hoaxer' Rick Dryer. So I am Certain that this, Once Outstanding Person in the 'Bigfoot' Community has lost All Credibility by Supporting Rick Dryer.

I have had My Fill of the Hairy 'Tree-Peeker', and unless something Amazing happens, I will take a break from this line of Research.


03 March 2013

I need to have Small Packs of Q-Tips for Blood and Saliva Samples, Plus Small Bags or Plastic Containers to store them in after collecting Samples to keep them Clean for DNA Research.

Don Monroe Returns to Idaho Cave Part 1 & 2

A Must Watch!


Really!? So 'Tree-Peekers' hide their dead by Tipping over a large Tree, Bury their Dead, then Upright the Tree to allow it to Continue Growing. That's why we can Never find a Body. So now what Guys? Are you going to Desicrate the Grave? Or are you going to leave it alone?

I Need Cheap Hair-Spray to use as a 'Release' for Any Cast done of Foot Prints, Hand Prints, etc... I have to add that to the List.


02 March 2013

Lemur? So the Big Hairy Tree Peekers are part of the Lemur Line? This is from the 'Cat Vet'. Now, does Lemur's have 2 Rows of teeth? How many animals have 'Rows of Teeth'? Sharks. That's all I know of. Well, Snakes do, only on their Upper set of Jaws. That's it. All Mammals have only One set/Row of Teeth. So the reports of the Big Hairy Tree Peekers having more than one row of teeth is, Wrong? From the Patterson-Gimlin Film, Patty is Obviously a Female due to the Breasts, and they are similar in proportion to Human Females. This Indicates to me that she Breasts Feeds as other Primates do, and thus a Mammal. But to have 2 Rows of Teeth? No, I will say, unless the Tree-Peekers are from another Planet where Mammals have 2 rows of teeth, that the Tree-Peekers only have One row of teeth.

Some Instances a Mammal can retain it's 'Baby Teeth'. I have found one case of a Dog having this Anomaly.  https://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_does_your_dog_have_2_rows_of_teeth

There are a lot of Animals with 'Human Like' Teeth, but not much about 2 rows of teeth.

Garlic Cloves should be Shared with the Tree-Peekers.

Tree-Peekers can do 'Wierd' things with their Eyes, in Concearn of 'Eye-Glow', where they can change the refractoring of their Eyes to allow themselves to see better in the Dark for a short period of time. "Matt Moneymaker" They Also have Larger Eyes t ogather more Light in Complete Darkness.

What is the Normal, Minimum Distance that the Tree-Peekers like to keep from Humans?

Could the Tree-Peekers be using Branches, Rocks, or other matter to Trigger Trail-Cams? Then Afterwards, while the Camreas are resetting, then Move?

Tree-Peekers can make their Eyes Glow as a way to Communicate, or Alert others.

'Zapping'? A ability of a Tree-Peeker to Paralize their Prey, or to defend themselves. A Ranged Ability. Same as Infra-Sound. Focused Attack.

'Infra-Sound' The Ability to Warn or Scare away Humans, or to Temporarily Paralyze their Prey. A Ranged Ability. Cannot be Focused like 'Zapping'.

"Reliable Chain of Custody" is what the 'Cat Vet' was accused of Not Documenting. And she Claims to own the Rights to Several Peoples Information, Which she does Not. She Charges for Copies of a Scientific Papers (Journal), and She had 'Milked' Monies out of Investors. 

'Hunting Season' is Over! So I can go out 'Squatching' withour Fear of being Shot!

The Tree-Peekers Travel in 3's, maybe 4's. "Matt Moneymaker" (1 Adult Male, 1 Adult Felame, 1 Possible Youth, and a Preadolecense)

Some 'Tribes' are Migratory, and other Family Groups prefer to Remain in an area/Range.

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzeXohn4e2c  

After Hours with Team Tazer Episode 7 - MATT MONEYMAKER - February 21, 2013

Matt Moneymaker was Very Informative. I was able to get some Additional Information that I was unnaware of in the past.

J-E-L-L-O used as a Bait for the Tree-Peekers.


27 February 2013

Well, Well. The 'Cat Vet' is getting Tore Down by Scientists and other Professionals that Perform DNA Research, and they have Declared that ALL of the Samples are Contaminated because the proper Procedures were Not Followed, and the Chain of Custody Procedure was Not Followed or Kept. So ALL of the Samples have been Rejected and No-One can Duplicate her research, thus making Her Research Invalid. Clear Enough?

I have just Discovered that there are a lot of Biologists Disecting the DNA Papers created by the 'Cat Vet' and all arriving at the same Results. 'NOT REAL'. Oh...By the way, 'Maltilda' Looks very much like a 'Wookie', aka 'Chewbaca' from Star Wars, but with Hair Dyed Dark. The 'Cat Vet' became very offended when the pictures were compared and she took the pictures off of her site and Cried Foul.

The 'Cat Vet' is Snapping Back, but without any Real, Tangable Proof that is Repeatable, It's all Hot Air.


25 February 2013

JC Johnson is my New Favorite Person to Research. He Interviews on and Indian/Native American Reservations at the 'Four Corners' Region. That's the point where New Mexico, Utah, Arizona and Colorado converge.


24 February 2013

All is the Same and Well in the Bigfoot Field.


21 February 2013

The Latest on the "Tree-Peeker" 'Matilda';

In October 2012, during our expedition at the Sierra Kills site, we had to chance to sit down with Wally Hersom, the multimillionaire who has publicly backed Matt Moneymaker and the BFRO, and threw in hundreds of thousands of dollars into the Ketchum Bigfoot DNA project. We've heard stories about how this great man supposedly has seen every footage of Bigfoot ever existed. One footage brought up during a campfire discussion was the Matilda footage. Besides Wally, no one in the group had ever seen this footage, except a single still image released to a B.C. newspaper courtesy of Adrian Erickson of the Erickson Project.

Supposedly word got out that there were two Bigfoot researchers, Dr. Leila Hadj-Chikh, a biologist, who has a PhD in ecology and evolutionary biology, from Princeton University, and Dennis Pfohl, a researcher from Colorado, had successfully baited a family of Bigfoots and filmed them for hours. The researchers, hired by the Erickson Project, obtained various videos of Bigfoot from different habituation sites such as Maple Ridge, Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama. According to sources, Dr. Leila has seen the Bigfoots many times with her own eyes but only speaks out it privately. They have shot enough video of these creatures and are convinced that what they saw were real Bigfoots.

Shortly after the announcement was made that Adrian Erickson had obtain footage of a teenage Bigfoot named Matilda, Wally and Matt Moneymaker of the BFRO was flown to Colorado to see the footage for themselves. When asked about the facial details of the creature he saw on film, Wally mentioned seeing fangs, and the creature having a "black tongue" as it approached the camera. In the video, Matilda's eyes dart around, looking paranoid and aggressive. The Bigfoots have a feral look about them.

Others who have seen the footage say it's much more detailed than the Patterson-Gimlin film. On the full facial close-up shot, one witness described:

  • Nose similar to ours (but with larger nostrils)
  • Slightly chapped, rosy lips
  • Pink mouth, blackish tongue
  • Pointed teeth, like fangs
  • Deep set eyes that dart around and don’t blink
  • Her head is round, shaped more like ours than a gorilla’s, but her brow is much more prominent
  • She has lots of fine, flowing hair on her head (dark reddish brown) and soft short hair on her face
  • When she walks away, she moves just like the female in the Patterson Film

Wally's description blew our minds, but what he did not mention around the campfire was that there were two Bigfoots in the film. We learned from Matt Moneymaker on Twitter yesterday that there were actually two creatures in the full-length Matilda footage -- an adult female and a juvenile female. When asked whether or not Matilda is real, Matt answered, "Yes, Matilda is real." "The sleeping one was the adult female," he confirmed.

19 February 2013

Nasty Weather Today, and if I were a 'Tree Peeker' I too would be Hunkered down somewhere.

Well...It seems the Scientific Community is on the Rails on the 'Cat Doctor' and her DNA Study on the Big Hairy Creature.


17 February 2013

I am continuing to follow 'Finding Bigfoot'. The DNA Papers were Finally Published, and the only problem with that is the Researcher created her own papers/Journal and had 'Nobodys' as Peer Reviewers. So the Papers are Still FAKE as all hell. 


24 January 2013

The Hairy Tree Peekers are Deviouse. 


19 January 2013

Are the 'Forest Beings' Using old Human Farms as a place to bed down?


18 January 2013

There is a lot of Speculation and Revelations going around about the 'Forest Beings' we Call 'Bigfoot'. Did I Mention the 'Daisy in the Box' was a HOAX?


17 January 2013

Not much to Report Today.


16 January 2013

I will be able to get a few things for My Research.

I think that I did draw some attention while I was out. I was not brave enough to approach this area where I swear that I saw something moving. It looked like it was peering over the roots of a downed tree, and it looked to have Red Eyes. Like Blood-Shot. It watched me as I trudged through the Trees, and when I came back through, I did not see it. That's why I want someone to 'Tag-Team' with.

By the way...The 'Daisy is in the Box' had been a HOAX All along! The Creator is a known Hoaxer, but he was supported by several People/Groups that are Revered in the 'Bigfoot' Community.


15 January 2013

I will not be visiting this Site much because of the Weather and the fact that I cannot get out to any sites. I know the 'Beings' don't care about the weather, but this Hobby is in Conjunction with another.


14 January 2013

Can 'Sasquatches' have Autism? ADHD? ADD? Why has it been reported that they 'Stack' their Kills by Species? Would a Bear stack it's Dead Prey Carcases by Species? Of course Not! That shows a High Level of Intelligence. It also shows that this particular 'Being' thught no Man would venture there and see what it has done. Now that Man has Come and Seen, Would it move on? Or would it think that this was a One-Time event, and Still use the area as a 'Kill-Zone'?

I cannot believe the 'Finding Bigfoot' Team is Using Children as Bait. What a Massacre that would be. Don't even want to think about it. I am sure they never would let the Children come to harm, but if Such a 'Being' wanted to go in and Snatch a Child up...What are they going to be able to do about it? Nothing.


13 January 2013

I thought that I may have seen and Recorded a 'Forest Being'. It was Hiding behind some Upturned Tree Roots with it's head just peeking over the top where I could see the Red Eyes. I did Not venture to get close because I was looking for the Trail/Path/Road to 'Laskey'. I may have some Video of the Being, but I am sure that it will be just another 'Blob-Squatch'. I will be revisiting the area.


10 January 2013

I know one thing for Certain. The 'Jingle-Bells' that I fastened to My Back-Pack work in getting the Attention of Animals. I witnessed on 2 different ocassions, that Deer would be Staring at me, and they would stand very still and watch me. If I stopped and Stared back, then started walking again, then they would flee. 


09 January 2013

"Babush" or "Babusk" means Food? Seems to be the thing going now. Other Researchers have been Hearing the Word when they place Food out.


06 January 2013

Been Busy getting the 'Metal-Detecting' Hobby around. That Hobby will help in this One. It will drive the Curiosity of the 'Beings' and hopefully get me some sightings.


03 January 2013


02 January 2013

I am Hoping that the 'Metal-Detecting' Provides the Results that I am looking for. I am sure that any 'Being' that has Sensitive Ears would be Curious as to what this Human is doing. I am sure that they don't see Humans acting in that way.

"Bigfoot"'s Raping Human Women, and Human Women Giving Birth to Baby Hybrids. From Native Americans to Caucasions, and the Women keep and care for the Children as far back as the Early 1800's (For Caucasions) and as far back as Fokelore goes for Native Americans (Indians). I have to Admit, that sometimes I see people with Sloping Foreheads and their Heads sit Forwards on their Shoulders and I wonder...


01 January 2013

Starting off the New-Year with what I finished doing at the end of last year.

I have found 3 more Maps to Overlay on the 'GoogleEarth'. None are for Plats, meaning they do not show houses or buildings. They will come in handy for understanding the areas I am going to be searching. I will have to go through and Re-Evaluate my Understanding of the Areas.
Here is what I have currently for the "Laskey" area:
-1819-Treaty of 'Saginaw' was Signed in September 24th 1819, Artical '7 Stat. 203.'
-1999-Oil and Gas Map shows Deposits on the West side of the Site with Spotty sites where Oil and Gas are Located.
-MCRS-Midcontent Rift System Map shows a Rift to the North and South of the Site running from South-East to North-West.
-550ft to 700ft Above Sea-Level
- -115nt to 60nt Levels. 
-The South-East Corner was part of the "Marion Springs" Grounds of 1941.
-A Watershed was Mapped through the area.
-Swelling Levels are at a Medium Status.
-The 'Ecoregion' Chart shows as the same as the Lower-East side of the State.
-The 'Bedrock' Chart shows it in the 'Red Beds' to the North-East and the 'Saginaw Formation' to the South-West.
-Located in the 'Saginaw Field' Formation.
-Settled around Late 1850 to Early 1860.
-Community lasted to some time in the 1960's.

The area has a 'Spotted Past'. The Exact Timeline of the Community has to be Explored via Public Offices.


31 December 2012



30 December 2012

More People are calling out this whole "Daisy" Issue. If someone had Caught a 'Being', they should have driven it right to the News Media and Declared what they had and let the News Crew Video-tape it. That would have removed all doubt immediately.

An 2 hour episode of "Finding Bigfoot" is on Tonight.


29 December 2012

Seems a few people are Hot on the Trail of the 'Beings', but they fail at Conformation.

Tree Knocks are a Warning Sign of Communication, and a Whistle is a Sign of that the 'Humans' had Stopped Moving.

The Science Confirms that 'Beings' coukld be here in Michigan, and in the area/site where I want to investigate.


28 December 2012

So...Yesterday a 'Being' was Captured, and Today it was Released and the Evidence Destroyed under Rules of the Geneva Convention. Meaning it was all a Farce? Maybe. It still leaves it on the Table. Seems a lot of Effort is going into the Discrediting of the Field of Research concearning these 'Beings'.

"Bigfoot". The Governments Knows about them and Protects them, for whatever reason. Whenever a 'Find' Discovery is made, suddenly, it becomes a 'Hoax' and is withdrawn.

I have whatever 'Funk' that My Son has, and it's horrible. I will be taking NyQuil and Sleeping under several Layers of Blankets tonight.


27 December 2012

Dealing with a Sick Child. Have been since the evening of the 24th. He's in a good Mood anyways.

Seems to be the same thing when someone spots a 'Face' in the Foilage.  They stop filming and state they are going to approach the 'Face', then when they get there, it's gone. Go Figure! Right? Now, if they were to have the Camera on a Tri-Pod they could leave the Camera Focused on the 'Face', then approach it and see what happens. That way they will record a reaction. That's why I am for the "Tag" Technique. That's having 2 people out with Video Cameras, and when One spots something, One or the Other goes to Investigate while the One or Other Stands still recording the 'Face'. But a Tri-Pod would serve the same purpose.


26 December 2012

Two Rows of Teeth!? I have read that several times from different sources concearning the 'Beings'. It seems that they have 2 Rows of Teeth.



Let the Clean Up Begin! 


23 December 2012

Why would Anyone "Bushwhack" (Clear) a Field? It is so Obviouse that a Human has been around. I would not think that the 'Beings' would come around, but they do. This is after watching a Video, and what this guy did, and Spoke of doing.


22 December 2012

My Opinion is that the Act of "Tree-Knocking" is an 'ALERT' that proclaims 'Danger' in the Area. Humans=Danger.

I have thought of a New Strategy in Dealing with the "Tree-Peekers", and that is to be Subtle in my actions, meaning; That I will place Cameras and other Devices while I act Natural. IE=Sitting down to eat a Meal, I will place Items and then 'Forget' them. Then I will leave for a Set amount of time, then return and Collect the Device(s). I need to get a 6 foot Pole and Wrap it in Consecutive Red then White Reflective Strips at 1 foot lengths.

What would be the Highest 'Optical Zoom' Video-Camera Available?

70x is what I found. Mine is 10x. It would be the best for Video when Looking for the Beings.


21 December 2012

The "Tree-Peeker"...Nothing New, but I am hoping that I can find time to Dig DEEP into the past on some of the 'YouTube' Channels.


20 December 2012

Today I had Confimation that the 'Beings' of the Woods like to Eat the Kidneys from Deer. MM has seen Many of Deer with only that removed. The Deer were Killed, having their Neck Broken, maybe ripped off as well as the Legs would be Ripped off.


19 December 2012

I have found 8 Areas of Interrest by my Sister's and Brother-in-Law's place, and One should give James the Ability to Search without Harrassment. I sent him an I.M. of the Location. When I talked with My Mother, she was acting like he would get into trouble, but I assured her that it was State Owned Land and an Old School Property, which made it 'Public Land'. I have Read all of the Rules and Explored the Area, and from what I understand, If there is Not a Plaque stating that it is a 'Historic Site', or an 'Archeological Dig Site' that the 'Public' can Access it. Here's what I wrote James;

"I would start out here

-'1918 School-001'; 362 feet West of 10th Ave, 238 feet South of 19 Mile Road. Currently Overgrown with Trees. "GREEN LIGHT" - RISK: LOW and Hone Your Abilities before moving on to another site. It is Concealed and will allow Privacy while Exploring. From your House, Go South on 66/30th Ave to 20 Mile Road and take a Left (Go East) to 10th Ave and Turn Right (South) and go to 19 Mile Road. On the South-West Corner is where the School used to stand.
Take Pictures and Document as much as you can.
If you take;
-the Vehicle: Take a 'Bin', a 'Spade', a 'Flat-Nosed Shovel' (if you have one), a Camera, and a Ruler or Scale.
-the Moped: Take a 'Spade', Small Plastic Containers, a Camera, and a Ruler or Scale.
Take a 'Section Sample' of the Soil by Digging a 'Square' that is the Width of the Tool by the Depth of the Tool. Take Pictures with a Ruler or Scale next to the 'Section Sample' for a gauge. (This will later help in establishing a Timeline of Depth)
The Site is NOT a 'Tree Farm'. The Pines that were planted there were done by the State Prior to 1999 and No Houses were there Prior to the Planting of the Pine Trees and NOT Planted by any Private Individual. The Land is still State Property, Meaning 'Public Property' and you are free to Explore without Harassment. It was a School Property prior and up to and Through 1918 and Still Remains in State Property."

I will have to Add a Couple Notes to it, like so; If there is/are any "No Tresspassing" Signs and/or "Plaques" Stating that it is an "Historic Site" that you should steer clear, or ask Permission first. Here is the "Work-Up" of the Areas;

You have to Remember, If the Site/Area is Not Legally Noted as a "Historic Site" or "Private Property" that No-One can tell you that you cannot go on that Property, and even though someone places "No Trespassing" Signs up does not mean that they "Own" that Property. It should be Reported if that's the case. You should Check with the Township at that point.

From Noe On, Everything Connected to the Hobby of "Treasure-Hunting with a Metal-Detector" will be found Here:  

Well...when I get it, it will be posted. I have been back to Researching the "Big, Hairy Tree-Peeker" again. Since I have Seperated the Sites now, I can again Dedicate this site back to the Original Purpose.



18 December 2012

I cannot find Any Historic Significance to the Area/Site where I want to Explore. Here is another List;

Again, it's really Small, and hard to Read, But there is Nothing in the State Game Area. I have read the 'Metal-Detecting' Laws, Rules, and Guidelines. I Throughly Researched the Area/Site for anything that may be Significant, and Nothing. I am going to Continue to Research every angle of the Site that I can. I want to be sure that Nothing that I do is Perceived as 'Illegal'. There is the remote possibility that a 'Archeologist' will come on the Scene and Harrass me, but then that 'Archeologist' would be breaking the Law and fall under the "Harrassment" Laws of People Enjoying the Park Legally. And there is My Angle if they do. I will have the Accompanying Officer write a Harrassment Ticket for the Archeologist.

I am 'Officially' at the End of My Search for anything that will end any Successful Investigation and Dig with the use of a 'Metal-Detector' in the Area/Site that I have plan on going to. I will be having a 'Pertner' in the Search, and he will have his own 'Metal-Detector' as well, meaning that what he finds is his.

What else angle can I search for the Area/Site?

Resources! That's what I should be Researching for the Period of the Mid-1800's to the Early to Mid-1900's. Like 'Blacksmith Shops', 'Stores', 'Sheriff Stations', 'Hotels', 'General Stores', and of course, the 'Saloons'. All likely places for Coins to be Lost.

Oh Yeah...Since it is a 'State Game Area', that takes away my One Theory about it being protected. LOL.


17 December 2012

Yesterday was an Adventure in being Educated in the ways of 'Metal-Detecting'. At least I am Reasonably Sure that what I am going to be doing in the Area that I am going to be doing it in will be Leagal. The Problem is "Opinions". Those of the 'Archeologist' and Mine in our Understanding of the Laws.

I may have a 'Metal-Detector' for Christmas. My Sister is Lining one up for me. 8 inch penetration. A Starter. Good enough for me. I figure the 100 Year Depth is/will be less than that. It's a Digital Display that tells you what you are looking at, and what type of Metal.

It may take 3 feet down to reach 100 years of Soil, and we are talking about an area full of Trees that lose their leaves yearly, so I might have to Dig Further. I have to make an 'Experimental Hole/Dig' to begin with, but that will waste time and energy. I will have to dig 8 inches at a time until I reach the 3 foot mark, meaning that I will have to use the detector over 4 times per dig.

I am having difficulties determining the Depth that should be dug to keep from 'Violating' any Laws. I am trying to find the Depth for 100 years, but since the area is Heavily Forested and the Leaves drop every year, it may be 6 feet down before the 100 year mark is met, then again, it may only be 3 feet. The 'Problem' is that the 'Metal-Detector' will only go down 8 inches at a time. That will take me either 36 years per sweep, or up to 18 years per sweep, Depending on the soil. 

Seems as though I have to figure this out the 'Hard Way', Meaning that I will have to Dig, and Dig, until I can find something that is Deffinately 100 years old. That's going to be difficult because a Coin Dated 1813 could have been dropped in 1913, and then it is a Pointless Argument to say it was in the 100 year Level when you could find a 1913 Coin that was dropped in 1913. Meaning...That it does not matter when a coin was dropped after it was put into circulation, that does not determine when the Soil was laid, and that's what the Issue is. That's what I have to Determine via Soil Deposits. That's what I have been researching to no avail. So, I will take a Shovel and dig down to determine Soil Levels to Aid in the dating of items dropped or left behind by their previous owners. I will be Taking Pictures of the Removed Soil Samples, as well as Sketching the Samples. Then I can Post them for a Guide for Future Use. I will have to do the Soil Levels in Centimeters, or Millimeters.

The BIG NOTHING! As far as the Research goes in the 'Metal-Detecting' Field. And as for what this site is about...0...too. As far as the Law goes, It's a GREEN LIGHT for Metal Detecting at the Game Area, and if I get the attention of a 'Forest Being', all the better.


16 December 2012

It is Extreemly Difficult to find Maps of the Area. I swear that someone may be keeping them from the Public. Finding a 1940's Map of the Area has become an Extreeme Challenge, and I added ALL of the Pertinant Information that should have given me exactly what I am searching for.

I am currently working on a 'Timeline' and 'Geographical' outline of the 'Laskey' Search Area. Maybe it will help me Understand the Reasons that it remains as it stood before the 1850's. 

Here is what I have Currently on "Laskey":


A Lost Village in Michigan
The Historic Gain and Loss of a Community: Looking at the Timeframe of the Early 1890's to the Mid 1920's, Maybe as late as the Mid to Late 1960's.
Details: Community Name; "Laskey"
Est. Establishment; 1891
Population; 15 to 25
Though I have found no Information of Who Started the Community, but it can be safe to say that their last Name was "Laskey" (Research through County Records should establish more Details). 14 November 2012 is when I Discovered the area and after a while I started my search for Missing Communities in the area. I have come accross a few that I had thought were gone, only to find that they were still there, but one kept comming up that seemed to have 'Vanished' from the face of the Earth, and that was 'Laskey'. Upon viewing the area from the Sattelite Images I discovered Anomalies that made me more curious. 
I Decided (for some strange reason) that I would make this area a Research Site, and then Proceeded to look for Information via the Internet. It was no Easy Task, and has become Frustrating at times. I have found as many Maps and Geological Information that I could to Determine if there were any Significant reasons for the Community to just go into Oblivion and to be Reclaimed by Nature. I Discovered Several Dams and Bridges, but I am still Puzzled by the Rectangular Holes that Dot the Area in Small Masses.
In my research, I have developed a Rough Timeline of the Community of 'Laskey' and the Geological Information that goes along with it.
1620 Michigan started being Inhabited by Anglo's. 
1682 it was inhabited by the French-Canadians. 
1805 is when Michigan was part of the Union. 
1825 is when an Influx of Easterners Came over from New-York. 
1826 the whole of "Gratiot County" was Undeveloped.
1835 after Signing the Constitution It Became a Recognized State.
1837 Michigan was Recognized by the Union. 
1839 The "Gratiot County" Area was Still Undeveloped.
1847 Gratiot County was Very Sparsley Populated.
the Area of "GRATIOT County" Started to become Populated in around 1850 to 1860.
1891 "Laskey" Appears on a Michigan Map.
Around the 1900's, Michigan saw another Influx of Peoples from the East and the South looking for Employment.
1901 a City is Mapped out in the Area where 'Laskey' had been marked in 1891.
1926 the City of "Laskey" is Gone.
In the 1940's there was not a "Laskey".
The Area in Question in a "Game Area" Now. The "Saginaw-Gratiot Game Area".
1. Just North of the "Ashley District", Just North of an Gas and an Oil Well, In the Grand Rapids Sedimentary Region.
2. Berea Sandstone or Red Beds, and Saginaw Rock/Strata Formations.
3. The Area is in the Negative in the Magnetic Field.
4. The Area is Primarily a Swamp.
5. Even though the 'Sauk' Tribe of Native Americans Inhabitted the Area, they too Remained Clear of the Area. There are No Claims to the Area by Any Indeginous Peoples.
As My Research Indicates, The area is Undesirable. It's a Huge Swamp. I will be Researching the area more and add anything that I find to my paper to help the understanding of 'Why'. Even though there is Nothing there but Swamp now, there is still much to be learned about the area.
I do have a 3rd, Functioning Micro-Cassette Recorder, and this one is in Great Working Condition. I have to make a 3rd Pocket and attach it to the Back-Pack. Two of the Micro-Cassettes have the Ability to Record when a Sound is made, the 3rd is Older, but it still works. I may use the One without the Auto Recorder as just a way to play a noise and leave the 2 others to catch any noises from anything that may investigate the noises. Back to the 'Laskey' Research.
DNR-Metal Detecting in State Parks,  https://www.mi.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-153-10365-97922--,00.html  and Where I am going to be Searching is NOT on that List.
That Aspect is Clear and Safe for me to Continue. I have Searched, In Detail, for anything that would Block me from what I want to do. I found a FaceBook Page called "Friends of Gratiot-Saginaw State Game Area", and Hopefully they will not have ant Issues with me Poking around. I have found 2 more Maps, and Both are Dedicated to the Game Area. I will be Overlaying them on the "GoogleEarth" Map.
I know where the Parking areas are for the Game Area, so I can avoid causing any Problems where I Park, Avoiding any Excuse for Harassment.

Parks and Recreation Policy #8.18 
Revised May, 2002



The use of electronic metal detectors to find lost coins, rings, watches, or other valuables is a popular activity. Favorite search areas are intensive use areas, especially beaches. Parks and Recreation Bureau (PRB) has long recognized this as a recreational activity at appropriate locales. However, there is increasing concern that metal detectors are facilitating illegal removal of archaeological and historic resources from Bureau-administered lands.

Public Act 451, 324.74102 mandates the protection of historic resources within State Parks.

Public Act 238 of 1957 provides a means of disposing of personal property lost or abandoned on state property and this is included in the Park Field Manual, Ranger Guide, and Parks and Recreation Policy #1.10.

Public Act 451 of 1994, Part 761 Aboriginal Records and Antiquities, prohibits a person from removing, exploring or excavating any relic or aboriginal antiquities and abandoned property of historical or recreational value found upon or within the lands owned by or under the control of the state.

In addition to the concerns regarding the unauthorized removal of historical artifacts, there is a concern related to the potential damage to lands resulting from the act of “digging up” items identified by various metal detectors.

Public Act 451 of 1994, Part 324.74121, State parks; prohibited conduct, in section 74121 states:

“A person shall not do the following in a state park:

(a) Destroy, damage or remove any tree, shrub, wildflower or other vegetation or property without the permission of the department.”

Metal detectors may provide the public with a chance of recovering some lost possessions in intensively used areas. Items of historic value may not be removed.

For the foregoing reasons, it shall be the policy of the Parks and Recreation Bureau to prohibit the use of metal detectors on all Bureau-administered lands except:

1. Designated swimming beaches 
2. Designated day use areas 
3. Campgrounds 
4. Parking lots 
5. Boating access site parking lots

Exceptions to the areas listed above may be given in specific instances based upon new information that was unknown on the approval date of this policy.

It shall be the responsibility of the individual field unit to provide a map specifically designating areas in which this activity is allowed. 
For requests to conduct archaeological research, refer to Parks and Recreation Policy #8.7, Use Permits. Archaeological research requires a permit jointly issued by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Department of History, Arts and Libraries.

The following conditions apply to the use of metal detectors in state parks:

1. All recovered items must be checked by a park employee before being removed from the park.

2. Any items the park has recorded lost and that can be returned to the rightful owner will be turned in to the park, or the park will notify the owner of the name and address of the finder.

3. Coins may be retained by the finder unless rare and historic. If coins are turned in, PRB staff should contact the Michigan Historical Center, Department of History, Arts and Libraries to determine historic value and disposition instructions.

4. Any artifacts found will be retained by the State.

5. The use of probes or small hand trowels to retrieve objects discovered beneath the surface shall be allowed if the land is not unduly disturbed. Disturbed material must be replaced.

6. Large-scale digging to retrieve objects shall not be allowed unless being done as part of a Department authorized archaeological research project.

Metal detectors are prohibited from:

1. Fayette State Park and Fort Wilkins State Park

2. Beaches, day use areas, boating access sites or campgrounds known to have artifacts.

3. Designated historic or archaeological sites. Designated includes sites listed on the State or National registers of historic places, or indicated by the Michigan Department of History, Arts and Libraries as eligible for listing on the State or Federal register.

4. Areas specifically closed to the use of metal detectors by a Land Use Order of the Director."

And there you have it, the General Laws of State Park Metal Detecting. Again, I am in the "Clear". If one wants to be "Picky", they can Claim 'Anything' as "Historic" and it can become an Issue and a Problem in that Manner.

his·tor·ic  (h-stôrk, -str-)

1. Having importance in or influence on history.
2. Historical.
Usage Note: Historic and historical have different usages, though their senses overlap. Historic refers to what is important in history:the historic first voyage to the moon. It is also used of what is famous or interesting because of its association with persons or events in history: historic house. Historical refers to whatever existed in the past, whether regarded as important or not: a minor historical character. Historical also refers to anything concerned with history or the study of the past: a historical novel; historical discoveries.While these distinctions are useful, these words are often used interchangeably, as in historic times or historical times.
historic [hɪˈstɒrɪk]
1. famous or likely to become famous in history; significant
2. (Historical Terms) a less common word for historical [1-5]
3. (Linguistics) Also secondary Linguistics (of Latin, Greek, or Sanskrit verb tenses) referring to past time
Usage: A distinction is usually made between historic (important, significant) and historical (pertaining to history): a historic decision; a historical perspective



Adj. 1. historic - belonging to the past; of what is important or famous in the past; "historic victories"; "historical (or historic) times"; "a historical character"
past - earlier than the present time; no longer current; "time past"; "his youth is past"; "this past Thursday"; "the past year"
  2. historic - important in history; "the historic first voyage to outer space"
importantof import - of great significance or value; "important people"; "the important questions of the day"


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Michigan_state_parks  Is where you can find the List of "Historic State Parks" of Michigan, and here is a Map;

And again, I am 'Safe'.

It 'May' Get "Dodgy" because the 'Archeologists' think that they only have the right to Dig in the Dirt and have created the Laws to Make it Difficult for Ametuers to do what they do. There is the 100 Years Law that stipulates anything over 100 years of age is 'Historic' but Not 'Archiac', which is the term used for 'Archiologists'. They are Not 'Historacists'. 


15 December 2012

Been busy today, but have to figure out the area I want to Search. Something is Bothering me about it. I want to find out once again what it is called now. I know it's a Site for Gaming/Hunting Park, but the Name Illudes me.


14 December 2012

Just been watching 'YouTube' Videos, and then Sold PLASMA. Learning very little these days. I need to go back as far as I can with these Videos, to the Beginning of the Researchers. That's where the Most Information comes from.


13 December 2012


12 December 2012

"ENOCH" is a Strong Possibility of the Race of the Beings. Maby it's one of their Names? But it has been Heard being used by the 'Squatches' on a couple occassions. 

Again, People go out and make all sorts of Agressive Noises to find a 'Squatch', when all they have to do is first peak their Curiosity, then let them know they are there with peaceful intentions, and maby offer something to the 'Beings'.


11 December 2012

Setting up the "X"-Mas Tree today.

How does a "Squatch" Celebrate the Season? Do they? Do they Celebrate any Holidays that is from their History?

The Tree is Decorated with the Train Under it.

In All of it's Glory!

Melba Ketchum, the 'Cat Doctor', Thief, Power Grabber, with No basis for her Claims. She is awaiting her 3rd Peer Review, and she Failed Twice here in the United States, so she sent for her 3rd Peer Review from Russia. Not many people like her, then you have the 'Sheep', who follow and Believe everything that she says.

Watching; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muD1oINqxeI&feature=g-high-u  "Is Sasquatch Eating Our Kids?" by 'Sasquatch Watch Canada'. Interesting. According to it, there are No Abductions/Missing Persons that end up a long way away when found, and as for the "Finding Bigfoot" Map, there are No Sightings within the Area I plan on Searching. The Reason for that could be that it may be a 'Restricted' area. I will see soon.


10 December 2012

Watched a Couple 'YouTube' Videos Yesterday. Not much time for Research these days.

I was able to watch a couple YouTube Episodes today, but Little to No Information could be Gleaned from them. Hopefully will be able to watch more tonight.

No-One 'Teaches' anymore. It's all for show. 


09 December 2012


08 December 2012

Watched a couple Videos on "Bigfoot" and they were as others are...Grainy and out of Focus. People really need to learn how to use the Recording Equipment on their Devices, weather it be a Phone, Tablet, etc... The "Community" in Whole would Benefit from Clear and Close Images. Myself, any and all Out of Focus Videos or Pictures are Immediately 'FAKE' or a 'HOAX'. What? Does "Bigfoot" have the 'Power' to make the Recorders Automatically go out of Focus? Sure seems to be the case.

Yeah, the 'Cat Doctor', Melba Ketchum's DNA Papers has been Rejected and now it's off to Russia. The whole Debate still goes on.

I just watched a Video where a 'Suspected' "Bigfoot" Tosses a Rock then a Bottle because a Dog is Barking. You Don't get to see the Being itself, but it has Interresting Audio. Sounds like a Disgruntled Old Man to me. As soon as a Car comes close, he's Quiet, which is a Normal Reaction by a "Bigfoot".

I am trying to find a way to talk to "Jim" from 'TimbreGiantBigfoot' on YouTube. I want a Direct eMail Address so I can discuss a few of My 'Understandings' of the 'Tree-Peekers', but I cannot find any address to contact him. Maybe 'FaceBook' would be my Next Choice.

I Finished the Case for My Sons 'Tablet' Device.


07 December 2012

Remember 'Pearl Harbor'.

I have been very Busy with a Project for My Son's New Tablet Device. 

I only have to Cut out the 'Camera Holes' and add the Strip of Elastic to keep the Tablet Cover closed. My 'Girlfriend' thinks it looks "Ugly" and says that She can do a "Better Job". I Like the one that I have Done. Once again, she wants Access to the 'Tablet'. Why? She can pull a pattern off of the Internet, and like the Covers she made in the Past, they won't work.


06 December 2012

Yesterday, while out to Storage, I collected the "CHRISTMAS" things and My Large Tote, and Searched around as well, and to my suprise, I found a Micro-Casette Recorder. That makes 3 of them that I can use. Now, I can Cover my Left, Right and My Back. That will help me 'Pinpoint' where the noise(s) come from. Too bad that I did not have Extra Video Cameras there as well. 

I have been Busy preparing My Son's AAC Device. I have figured out how to Add Buttons and have been adding them Feverishly. I want to keep them Neutral for both of the Houses that he goes to. On the "Squatch" front; The DNA Papers were 'Rejected' a 2nd time and she is seeking the Russian Scientists to Pass the paper. This is Not going away any time soon.

I have a lot of Viewing to do on 'YouTube' to catch up on the events.

Wish that I had the Money to get Myself a 'Tablet' because that would be Excellent for Use as a Researcher. I can take Pictures and Video and Document the Events on the 'Tablet'. All-In-One Device.

I HATE these New Pop-Ups! They get in the way! I am onto Research!

"VELCRO" Hooks would be a great way to Collect Hair Samples.

I know the 'Tell-Tale' Signs of a "Squatch" Hair versus other Hairs.


05 December 2012

'Tis the Season'...Busy, Busy, BUSY! I have been Loading Programs on My Son's new 'Touch' Device so he can Speak. Something that is Important to Him as well as Me. I will be Resuming My Research soon. What I want for Christmas is a Metal Detector. Used or New, as long as it Works.

Been looking for Programs that will Allow My Son to have a Voice. They are Limited (that's the Free ones). I am working with what I have though. At least it Gives him a Choice and a Voice, no matter how small it may be right now. A Program called "Mighty Voice" should be made for Free and the Person should have a "Honor System" or Other option so those that cannot pay can still get the program for their child(ren).


04 December 2012

I had some Errands to run, and Information to Seek.

By the way, My 'Girlfriend' is Outwardly Dissing My Hobbies. If she can Believe in 'GHOSTS', then I can believe in whatever I want to as well. She's a bit Controlling.


03 December 2012

A New Day of Research. I 'Am' going to get the 'Metal-Detector' today by Trading the Electronics and maybe some cash. But I will have it. And as soon as I can, I am going out with Shovel and starting my search of the Area(s). I am going to Fund My Bigfoot Research. I am going to have built (or Build) a Device that can remain Stationary and yet take readings. It will take Video, Thermal, Night, Laser Range Finder, and whatever else Information as well. There will be Three Devices with Laser Range Finders and Tied into a Computer so they can make 3D Imaging of whatever Happens. I want it to be able to Record a Moth Flying around and make a 3D Image of it. With that Set-Up, Any 'Being' Trying to Remain Concealed will Not be Able to. All of the Information will be Overlayed and have the ability to Recognize Height. So, if anything is above 6 feet 3 inches it will send an alert to Headphones so it does not startle any 'Beings'.

Well, I did Not get the Metal-Detector like i wanted because they only wanted to give only One-Quarter of the Price of the DVD Recorder and only would give me a 10 percent Reduction to the Metal Detector which was still too much for me to pay. I would have had to pay $60.00 still! It is Thievery!

So I have a Site and no way to Fund my Research. Maybe if I ask My Brother, the one who bought the DVD Recorder, if he still has the Receipt so it can be turned in and get the money back so I can get the Metal-Detector. This way he will get the Knowlege that it's something that I want, and can use frequently.

I still have to Address everyone's Questions about what to get My Son. I Already got him a 'Tablet' Device so He can Communicate.


02 December 2012

"Esau" is the Name given to the Region that I am Researching. Pronunciation: 

"Esau" has Religious Connetations. Maybe I will NOT be using that because I don't want to 'Elevate' the 'Beings' too far above anyone else. He shall remain "Enkidu" until Further Notice. 

"Khumry"??? Could that be what they are? According to a Clay Tablet that Expresses their route, and that Route does go into Michigan. So I have a New Second Name for the "Squatches", since the Other Second would not be suitable.

Khumry Travels/Journey Tablet

Gratiot County seems to be a "Dead Zone" for "Squatch" Sightings. It seems to be Bad Joo-Joo for NAtive Americans, and It has a Failed City. Should I be aware of Something? Maybe the Aliens OWN that area? Just Joking. I Still have Intentions of going into that area as soon as I can.

Here is One Sighting that I Found in the County:

DATE: May 5, 2002
TIME: 6:30 A.M.
LOCATION: Michigan, Gratiot County 
TERRAIN: Sanitation ponds 
OBSERVED: I was walking my dogs back by the sanitation ponds and I saw someone sitting on the bank of the pond . I started to walk down the the side of tracks when my dogs saw him they went apes (pun intended). They took off after whoever it was in their backyard . When they got through the fence it rose and I quickly ruled out some pot head back there toking up . It was tall, largely built and I could smell it over the stench of the sanitation ponds . My dogs stopped when it rose , and waited for my command . I was scared !! This thing started walking toward my dogs it hadn't seen me yet but when it headed in my direction, my dogs approached it and attacked . It let out this cry , it didn't sound frightened or angry, just like it felt pain . I called my dogs off and thats when he saw me and started to run off across the the two tracks through the ponds. The last that I saw was when it jumped and completely cleared a five foot fence. I think it had been chased by dogs before because if it had ran a few yards either way the dogs could have kept in chase . I know it is male because when my dogs attacked it sprayed urine which got on one of my dogs and it stunk. It is really musky smelling, she's sitting next to me right now and she stinks . The strange thing is my Lab didn't attack it like the pit bulls did. He stood back and watched which is really strange because he usually initiates the chase .
At work i realized that I recognized that smell. The Lab runs off in the morning if you don't watch him but when he comes home he regurgitates animal parts and he smells like the thing I saw. I don't know if it tolerates my dogs presence or if the dog finds his scraps and rolls in his bed but something strange is going on around here.
DESCRIPTION OF CREATURE: Large build, tall and brownish red fur. No hair in the face and wide-set eyes. Creature smelled really bad.

I am Still Researching for More. I will "TAG" this on "GoogleEarth".

So far, that's the Only Sighting in that County.

The Sighting is only 50,000 feet from the Area I am going to be Researching. At approvimately 400 feet per minute walking as an estimate for the Bigfoot Walking Speed, it would take 2 Hours to walk. Probably not a long walk for these 'Beings'. So it's a Reasonable Assumption that they could be within that Area. The "Sanataion Pond" could have been a Resting Point that Morning.

I am Either going to use "Khumry" or "Endiku" as a Name that I call out when I visit a Site. Maybe they will Recognize the Name and be Curious enough to Enquire why I used it. For a Himan to call out the Ancient Names would probably upset them to a point, so I will use it with Respect. Maybe I will use the Names when I make the "Ge-Fu" Symbol.

Geological Surveys may Explain a lot about the area I am going to search. Here is what I found:

1.Just North of the "Ashley District", Just North of an Gas and an Oil Well, In the Grand Rapids Sedimentary Region.

2.Berea Sandstone or Red Beds, and Saginaw Formations.

3.The Area is in the Negative in the Magnetic Field.

The other Maps don't have a Legend or one cannot make out the Text to understand what is going on in that area.

Well...That's all that I can come up with for the Search Area. I wish that I had more to refer to. 

There are 7 Archeology Sites in Gratiot County, and NONE are anywhere near where I am going to be Searching. 

That may be too Small to read, but I Gurantee you that if you look at this site: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Register_of_Historic_Places_listings_in_Michigan#Gratiot_County  You will find that I am in the Clear, as I will be in the Clear about the Native-American's Not being there as well. I have to Approach this with a Clear Mind before I start Digging up the Area.

A Clear Mind I shall have, Because Nothing Indicates that it is a Sacred Site, or is under current Archiology Scrutiny. It's just a place where people Hunt every year, and are now. So I have to Find a Bright Yellow or Orange Vest so I don't get Shot.

What else can I research? I mean in the way of the area I want to Investigate. I have checked Waterways, Magnetic Anomalies, Granite Strata, Swelling Clay Deposits, Native American Sites, Milligals, Railroads, Settlement Rates, Bedrock, Ecoregions, and Watersheds. Nothing.

I need a 6 foot Pole with 1 foot Red then White bars going all the way from Bottom to Top. The Pole will help in Many ways. It will be for Measurements, It will be for Testing the Ground before I step, And of Course, for Defense. I will Secure a Red Reflector on the Top so if I am ever caught by the Satellite, I will show up.


01 December 2012

I Should Write a "PAPER" about My 'Theories' on the Phenominon known as "Bigfoot". Something along the Line of the 3 things that must be done at a Suspected Site. Even though it would be only "Theory", it still is a 'View' of the Being's requirement of other Beings within it's Domain. Possibly between Today and Tomorrow. I have Errands to perform this Morning. 

I have elected to do the 'Errands' on Monday. I am too involved in the 'Paper'.

The 'First' Rendition has been Completed and placed in a New 'Catagory' called "ENKIDU"-Learning Bigfoot. As I Learn, I will make the Appropiate Changes under New 'Date Tags'. 

Here is what I did to My Back-Pack;

I have 'Outlined' the Bells and the Micro-Casette Audio Recorders with Red. 4 Jingle-Bells and 2 Audio-Recorders in Home-Made Pockets attached to the Back-Pack. As you can see, I have a "Left" Recorder and a "Right" Recorder so I can Catch anything Talking/Growling as I walk by. I was just Overwhelmed with a thought about the "Growl" when Human are Near. It Occured that it may be a Contempt, like one has to refrain from 'Beserking' on the Human because of "Orders" by a Superior. That is an Unsettling Thought.

Seems that the "DNA" Firestorm has Died out. Could it be due to the Weekend?

I want to Present My "Theories" to Someone. But Who? Someone that would Use them. To Try them out.

Ha-Ha, A Thought. If I had a "GoPro" Video Camera, I would make a Hole in the Back Flap of the Back Pack and Mount it so it Peeks out of it, Catching Anything that may be following me. 3 of them would be great to catch on My Sides as well.

"Esau", Another Name for the Hairy Tree Peeker.

The "Sauk" Tribe held the Area of 'Gratiot County', and through all of my Research, I cannot find anything about any Settlements, Burial Grounds, Sacred Sites,...Anything that States Native American Habitation. I wonder if it was deemed Evil Places.


30 November 2012

I had to go do some Errands, and Now I am going to Fix My Son's Jingle-Bell Tambourine before doing any more research.

Tambourine Fixed, and I added 4 Jingle-Bells to My Back-Pack. That should draw some Curiosity and scare away any other Animals. Kind of Serves 2 Purposes. I mean 3, Because any Hunters will not shoot something with Jingle-Bells. I am going to Add the 2 Pockets for the Micro-Casette Recorders. One on the Left, and the Other on the Right. This way When a Sound is Made, it will pick up the side where it came from. Wonder if I can get Ear-Buds for Each and have it so I can hear the Noise as well?


I am Currently Employing NINJA Tactics to get my Projects done under My 'Girlfriend's' Radar. I just Ironed out the Top Edges of the Recorder Pockets. Next is to use the Sewing Machine when she goes in the Bathroom and Smokes. The Adventure Continues...

I just told her that I needed to use the Sewing Machine to make a couple of Pockets for My Recorders. Then she Calls her Sister and makes a Joke about it. But that's NOT the 'Crux' of it. She took the Phone in the Bathroom and Closed the Door to make a deal out of it BEHIND MY BACK. She Sucks at Making things. I Try to Encourage her and her Goals, but she does the Opposite for me. I did get One Pocket Completed and 1/3rd the way through the Second one. Then it's time for some Hand Sewing to Attach them to the Back-Pack.

Maybe I should use the Micro-Casette Recorders to Play some Sounds? I have Bird Sounds, and My Son's Bird Co-Co makes enough Annoying Sounds that would draw attention.

I have already told her sister and her Brother-in-Law what I had found at Thanksgiving. So that part does not bother me. It is the fact that she had to go Hide and talk about it like it was something shameful. I reminded her of her "Ghost" Fascination, and that the 2 could coorilate within the area because no-one knows how many deaths happened there prior to 1901 and into the present.

Now that Both Pockets for the Micro-Recorders have been Completed, It's time to Hand-Sew them onto the Back-Pack.

FINISHED! They are Sewn and Attached to My Back-Pack! My 'Girlfriend' Does NOT get the Concept that more than One Task can be Achieved while I am out there looking. I can Use the Metal-Detector to Search for things from the past and perform "Bigfoot" Research as well.

The Pockets will hold the Micro-Casette Recorders well enough to keep them from accedentally falling out. I may add a Velcro Fastener just to ensure that they don't.

I am feeling better about My Chances in getting Video of a "Squatch" if they are Real. Which I Believe that they are. I will go under the Guise of looking for Artifacts from the Human Sarttlements, and I will use the profits from that to help fund this. So I will be using the Metal-Detector to Search the Ground for Objects and it will Screech and Beep whenever it Discovers something. I will have My Video Camera Recording Everything while I dig up the Item(s), My Audio Micro-Casettes will be Recording the Sounds around me, Left and Right. The Jingle-Bells will be adding Noise and reflecting the Sun. I will have Inscence Burning in the Area and Smoking a Cigar. I am going to be wearing a Safety Vest of Yellow Color with Reflective Bands. So, Now, I will be Covering ALL of the Senses. That should Drive their (or anyones) Curiosity crazy.

When I do a "GoogleEarth" Tour, I will have to Manually do it. Seems there is a 'Glitch' that does not allow for the Recording to go in the way that the creator had made it. I will use My Video-Camera to Record it for Further Referrence. I was thinking. If I were to get Run off, I would tell EVERYONE where the sites are. Maybe I would put it on FaceBook for all to see and Claim that I made a lot of Money from the area, and then Hundreds of People would be there trampling everything and using Metal Detectors to Dig up Everything. I would Rather keep it to myself. We will see what happens.

As far as anyone knows, there might be Meteors within all of the 'Tree-Rings' and that would be great as well, because Meteors bring in a lot of Money too.


"Enkidu" The Giant Haity Man that was "Gilgamesh"'s Friend. They Fought together. This is what I will use when I go out. I will state; "Good Will Enkidu." Then Pause, and then say; "Good Will Garry?". There is Protocol that must be followed prior to entering the site and while there, and before leaving. This will set the tone for future Visits.

My 'Girlfriend' is Jelouse of My Many Talents. I can Repair Vehicles, Sew, House Repairs, Housework, Cook, Make Crafts, etc... She can Barely do Crafts, even though she has a lot of great Ideas, she Sucks in the Execution of them.

Would "Enkidu" be a 'Hero' or 'God' to the "Squatches"? Or is that the Name they use for themselves as a Race?


29 November 2012

WOW!!! Are People up in arms about the DNA Issue! Now everyone is Accusing the Government and the Scientific Community of trying to Stop the Efforts of the DNA Papers. I knew that was a possibility earlier. Now it's back to Research.

I was under the Suspiscion that the Maps I referred to as from 1960 may have been wrongly Dated, and Today I Confirm that they are/were wrong. They are from 1901. Meaning I have to Rename the "Thumb Tacks" on the GoogleEarth to reflect that. So, Now, I am more interested in searching those Sites First. There is a greater chance that there will be Coins from Early American History, as well as Articles from that Timeframe as well.

Since the Map Predates back to 1901, then the Houses/Schools were built prior to that Year. Good chance there are Sites that predate 1901. 1880's is when Michigan became part of the Union. I am going to Verify that.

1620, Michigan started being Inhabited by Anglo's. 1682 it was inhabited by the French-Canadians. 1805 is when Michigan was part of the Union. 1825 is when an Influx of Easterners Came over from New-York. 1835, after Signing the Constitution, It Became a Recognized State. 1837, Michigan was Recognized by the Union.  After which, around the 1900's, Michigan saw another Influx of Peoples from the East and the South looking for Employment.

Just Finished updating the Map of 1901 to the GoogleEarth so I now have an accurate Information.

In 1847, Gratiot County was still Very Sparsley Populated.

1850 to 1860 is when Gratiot County was being Populated. (See Map Below)

After Overlaying the Picture onto GoogleEarth I have established the Area of "GRATIOT County" Started to become Populated in around 1850. 

I have been trying to track down Population Maps for Gratiot County, and I say that it's been a challenge.

A Well Known "Bigfoot" Researcher is really...Extreemly Upset at the Propegator of the DNA Studies.

With the Latest in Dates the Houses were Recorded, it restores my First Plan of Searching the First Site. I then have 6 Areas to Search at the Site. They are all 1901 or Before.

Make that 9 Areas to Search. 3 being by where I am going to park the Vehicle.

"Inkado" (Ink-a-doo), the Ancient Word (possibly) for Bigfoot.


28 November 2012

So Yesterday I was Mislead into thinking that "Marion Springs" was the Area's Actual Name. One of the Maps that I found support that it is in GRATIOT County, but when checked, it is in another County. "Shiawassee" I Believe.

"Saginaw" County. To the East of "Gratiot" County, and there is a Town named "Marion", so it makes sense. So it is/was a Resort and now a Hunting Area. Learning more Every Day. Marion Springs is an unincorporated community in the township at Marion and Merrill Road. A post office operated from July 13, 1892, until August 31, 1907.

They found "Mastodon" Remains in Gratiot County!

I always Understood that the "Squatches" were Not Human and Yet Not "Apes". They were always Considered 'Smart' and thinking beings because of their actions. 

There is More and More things being Discovered, then Hidden by the people we are supposed to Trust.

Now the DNA News has been made Public by the "Cat Vet" on a News Channel. Which to me means that She is Serious and willing to risk her reputation on this, Meaning that it is True and only can be "Squashed" by the 'Government', Church, and the Wealthy. This means that the Government has to release that they knew of this all along, and that means that the 'Government' has been lying to us, Meaning...That they have also lied about other Subjects as well.

I am thinking that the "Squatches" will not have a problem with me removing Human Made Objects from their lands, and Maybe they will guide me to some because they want them removed and the land restored as much as possible. Maybe there could be a Agreement Made between Them and I about it.

The Scientific Community has Rejected the DNA Study. So Nothing has Changed in the "Bigfoot Community" as per Evidence. It will take a "Body" (Dead or Alive) to make everyone a 'Believer' that they Exist.

Today, I have Extensively Searched for any and all information on the Site I want to Investigate for "Squatches" and for other purposes. What a Stressful Task! I went through Many of Maps and looked for Historic Documents and tired myself out. I bet if I look now, I would find Loads of Information.


27 November 2012

Sooooooo...The Area that I am Investigating Must be, or have been a Government Base of some Capacity. But in a Swamp? "IF" I can get in there, There is a Potential 'Goldmine' of Artifacts that date back to the 1800's, and that I can sell to Fund this site. It will give me the Oppertunith to see if there are any "Squatches" in the Area as well, because they will be Curious as to why this Human is Walking around with a Stick that Beeps over Hidden Objects, which will in turn allow me to make "Soft Dirt" where Foot-Prints and Other Prints for Casting. Clever? Huh?

There are 44 Places that can be gone over with a Metal Detector. There may be more. But I may be only able to get to about 40.

I am Guessing that Each site may bring $40.00 to $4,000.00 in a Day. I would want to get at least $100.00 per Day (or $500.00 per Week) to Make ends meet.

Now if Someone was to Join me, The Amount would have to Double to help provide for Both of the Households. I am seeking to Borrow a Metal Detector if I can FIND One. I Believe that My Youngest Brother may have one. I am going through my Brother and Co-Conspirator to see what his opinion is.

I would have to work out a 'Contract' to the effect that they will get 10% of the "Overall End of Week Profits" for the Loan of their equipment. I will NOT take anyone with me for a while, or at least until I Scour the High Density Areas First. If they Chose to Come, then they will get 50% of the "Overall End of the Week Profits" and that (Overal End of the Week Profits) is After Fuel and Meal Expenses, and Whatever else Expenses take away from the "Overall Profits" for that Week. So if I use $40.00/week for Fuel, $100.00/week for Meals, $50.00/week for Equipment, and $5.00/week for Vehicle Maintenance that will total $195.00/week Subtracted from the Amount Earned. And that Does Not Include the Cost of Apprasials, or Research. That Brings up another Subject. Researcher(s) for the Items Found and what they shoud be Worth, then I have to "Half" the Estimated Apprasial to be able to sell the item.

Experiment: Subject; 1802 Nickle. Condition: In Ground for 200 years. Worth: $20,125 to $103,500.00. I Should ask for $10,100.00 per "Half-Dime". That would be Sweet! And if they are in Immaculant Condition, I Could Ask for $52,000.00 per piece.

That is just an "Example" of the Possibilities awaiting me. The Loaner of the Metal Detector would get around $1,010.00 to $5,200.00. At that point, I will have to really Guard the Search Areas.

The "Half-Dime" that was presented was in "Rough" Condition.

I will Create a BLOG for that Particular Activity and to keep track of what happens. I will have to keep all of the Amounts Seperate. 'XL' Program, get ready to be used a lot!

What are the Odds that someone else has/had already done this? Let's see...The Satelite Images did not come out until 1999, and as for Scans of the Area from Maps that were Hand Drawn? They are Dated 2010, so that Narrows it down to around 3 years ago. For someone to have the Insight to do what I did, Anyone could have. Now for Sudden increases in the Classic Coin Industry? Nothing. So it's Safe to Say that the Area has been Unmolested. Does not rule it out though. I may have Others take the Coins in and let them keep a Percentage of what they bring in. Why? I don't want to make it look like too good of a thing and have everyone following me. I may do a few at a time, but then, that will draw attention. I will Also have to Claim that it was from a relative that died. That will have to be the reason everyone gives when they take the Coins into Dealers. Once people start seeing these coins come in, then they will want to know from where and have people investigating me and whomever I have as help.

At least 22 of the Sites are wel within the overall area. That will give ne time to really understand what to look for, and if I start at the 2 Cluster areas, that will also help my understanding of what to look for as well. Those 2 Experiences will help reduce my time at the other sites, making the results from my searches more fruitful. There are Other things that could be valuable as well, like Old Tools, and Things of Interest. There are 10 Medium Risk Areas, and then there are 10 High Risk Areas.

One of My Brothers bought me a New (in the box) DVD Recorder. I am Tempted to trade it for a Metal Detector. That will make me Happier.

It is Clear to me that there is Access into the Area, or else the person riding the Bike or Driving the Car would not have been able to Add it to the Overall Map.

Depending on the Success of the operation, I would purchase my own metal detector. Seriously, to find a Jar full of Coins would freak me out. Someone's Emergency money from the 1800's to early 1900's would bring in enough to provide for my family and get Stephen whatever he needs in life. 

Here are the Options; Go to site with 5 possibilities and only spend up to 5 Hours searching, or go to site with 4 possibilities and spend up to 6 Hours searching? The Second site has an area that I can park with a Short Walk time.

The Area in Question in a "Game Area" Now. The "Saginaw-Gratiot Game Area". So it's open to the Public, and I have a State Parks Permit.

1891 is When "Laskey" Appears on a Michigan Map.

"Marion Springs"...Hmmmm, It seems the Area has been Named that. I will have to do some more Research.

Alright, for some reason, after I discovered "Marion Springs" I am not getting any more Maps of Michigan. I Guess that I will Check on the "History of Marion Springs Michigan".

Well, that was not it. It was Nothing. A DEAD END!


26 November 2012

Everyone, and I mean "EVERYONE" is up in arms over the DNA Analysis! I feel that it matters little until someone is able to sit with the Peoples of the "Squatches" and discusses what they would like. Maybe they like how things are? Maybe they just want to be left alone? Who Knows? I Don't! Neither does anyone else! Time to Make more "Movies" on 'Google Earth'. I learned how to do that yesterday. What is terrible about the Program is that you have to turn on and off the Markers before doing the 'Tours'.


25 November 2012

I FOUND "LASKEY"! It was on a Township Map. "Hamilton" Township Map from 1960. But it does Not coorilate with where Houses were documented on the Map to the Actual Satellite Images. And in another fact, the Rectangular Holes are 4 times larger than a standard country home. So, What were they used for? That and all of the "Tree-Rings". I may have found an old Steam Engine, but Oddly, there are no Railroad Tracks Recorded on any Maps for that area. I am going to take Pictures of as much as I can then Share them on "Google Earth". Maybe I'll do that for Clear pictures of the Big Hairy Tree Peekers as well. That will Freak People out. I need a better camera.

All this DNA Talk on YouTube and FaceBook. A Bunch of Puffery and Childish people in the BigFoot Community. Everyone wants to be the "HERO". Schoolground Bullying, Finger-Pointing and Nay-Saying. There is a Lot of Flip-Floping as well by the ones making the claim. It's Human, and It's Not Human. Come on people...Pick One! Will it Receive the Rights and Protection Afforded the Citizens? Or is it going to be a Game Animal and a Hunting Season Declared? The DNA Samples have to be reproduced before it is accepted anyways. Until it is Wideley Accepted by the Scientific Community without question, it will not be accepted by anyone. But the Discrediters will thrive on it.

Maybe, Just Maybe, Once and If they find a Living Example of a "Squatch", they Allow them to live the way they have been. Just Leave them alone. Or...Maybe, They want to Market themselves first?


24 November 2012

Seems the "Ketchum DNA Papers" have been released, and in Process of being Processed by the Scientific Community.


23 November 2012

Watching Research Materials. Sometimes they are Rediculous because they are more of a Comedy Program.


22 November 2012


21 November 2012

Woke up today to find that in North Corolina, in the Late 40's they called 'Squatches' (Dogmen), First "Santer" then "Wampus". So these are 2 New Names for the Same Being. The Picture looks like a Dag with a Pig/Human Face and a Tail that Resembled Puffs of Fur, or Balls in a Row.

Not much will get done today. My Son is Home and we are Spending Time Together before he goes to his Mother's Tomorrow Morning. It's OUR THANKSGIVING Today.

I will be doing more 'Research' in a little while. Wouldn't you know it, Today is the Day that Everyone Starts Posting the Interesting Stuff.


20 November 2012

Why is it so Easy for me to see things that others do not? People are "Chasing" and "Scaring" the "Squatches" and making their Communication Useless.

I have NO Interest in doing "Follow-Up" on "Others" Reports. I Will NOT Be Investigating Claims. My Interest is to Research the Subject.


19 November 2012

Been the Busy Dad Today. I guess that the Only way I can Discover is Something will work (in Terms of the "Squatches") is to Try. I am going to Bring Inscences with me and Light them Up-Wind of the Search Area, and I am Going to Smoke a Cigar as I traverse through the Area. This will be a Definate Sign that Someone is there and to go Investigate what is creating those Smells. Other Animals will Flee at the Smell of Smoke, and I am Hoping that they have the Curosity to Investigate if it's an Actual Fire. They seem to Investigate Fire Pits where Campers are. 

Where are the "Squatches" when it Rains? I have heard of Reports at any other Weather situation, but Don't Remember any when it was Raining. 

I have Come to a Couple Conclusion based on the Research of the "Hairy Tree Men" and why their Tracks are so hard to get and why they leave "Shapes" (Such as Circles or Polygons) on the Ground. Learning Every Day.

My Son is taken care of, and now I can continue my research, and Understanding.


18 November 2012

I made 4 "CD/DVD Reflectors" to draw attention of the "Tree-Peekers", and that along with "Glow-Sticks" between 2 of them should draw some Serious Attention from Curious Beings. Those Tied to the "X" ("Ge-Fu") Symbol should have a Meaning to the "Squatches".

I Have Decided to make the "Strange" Area my "Habituation" Site. Meaning that I will spend more time at that site than any other so if there are any "Squatches" There, they can get used to my Presence, and Maybe come out of Hiding and Visit. As long as they heed or Come in "Good Will". I am Slowly adding the Tools/Equipment that I need. I plan on making myself as Obviouse as Possible to them. I Don't want them to think that I am Trying to Sneak Up on them. I will Tie "Bells" to my Back-Pack and leave My Keys Hanging so it makes noises. This will show tham that I am no threat and actually come in "Good Will". I will even leave some Bells Hanging with the Other Gifts so they can Play with them. I will leave the Micro-Casette Recorder that has Voice Activation there to Catch any Visitors.

I Will NEED to Look for Team-mates/Members with Video Cameras to go out with me. That way I can do a few things to Try and Ensure a Video Capture of the Beings.

Today, I told My Mother that I was doing this, and She became Very Excited. It was not the Reaction that I was looking for, or Expected from her. She Loves the Television Series Based off of Finding Bigfoot, but that's not her Son out there.


17 November 2012

Laskey is the Lost Community. If it is even a Community.

Well...Here is the Proof. The 1891 Map of Michigan: https://wiroots.org/maps/wi_mich_1891.jpg

I wonder if My Father knows anything about the City of "Laskey"? He usually knows things like this. 

There are No Native-American Villages in Gratiot County. 


I just found another City, "Stella". Here is the Site; 


and here is a Picture;

And now I find "Sickles"; https://www.livgenmi.com/1895/MI/michigan1895.jpg

Once again, the Mystery Thickens. And Here is another Site for the City of Sickles;


Reviewing my "Test" Video, and I cannot understand why I cannot hear anything in front of the Camera. It should be Loud and Clear. Time to mess with the Settings.

So, "Sickles" still Exists. 

"Laskey" and "Stella" are both Non-Existant. So...When were each Established, and when did they decease to exist? Based on the Data that I have Already Collected, Laskey existed between 1891 to 1926, and Stella existed between...Well, Stella Once Existed in 1881. 


16 November 2012

I am up VERY Early today. I have to go to the Bus Station, then it's off to get a few things before I go into the Field. I have to Return here prior to that as well so I can print off everything that I need to take. 

The Use of the Words "Good Will" Seems to Indicate "No Harm" since it was used within the Timeframe of the Hunting Season. This keeps with my original direction of Investigation. 

I am going to buy the "Cheapest" things that I can for My First Trip to a "Site". I need to print my list before doing that. Rifle Hunting Season is Upon us, and I wonder if the area/"Site" that I am going to sees Hunters or not. I will have to wear a Bright Colored Coat, or get an Orange Reflector/Safety Vest. I am going to perform a Quick Survey of the Site by Vehicle before going in. I will be taking My Charger as well. 

I am going to see if I can Devise a way to Connect a Larger Battery to my Video Camera. This will allow me more time to Explore.

I am going to Smoke a Cigar while out there. Why? Because the "Squatches" can really Smell Smoke. Using that instead if "Tree Knocking" to Announce that I am within the area will benefit me. I have viewed many of "YouTube" Videos where as soon as they started Smoking, they had Visits. So, even though I may not be Inhaling the Smoke, I can Produce some. 

It was Interesting and Frightening. I could not practice at the Site that I wanted to because of the Quantity of Hunters out there. I Opted to Investigate a Pennensula that was near the Entrance. It took me 20 minutes to start at the Parking area and to traverse the Island to the point Near where the Natural Bridge of the Island. If I were a "Squatch" I would Hide Near the Highway so the Hunters cannot shoot at me even if they see me. Here is the route that I took;

It would be Easy to Hide on the Pennensula, even for a Large Being like a "Squatch" due to the Trees that were knocked over roots and all. There are even Very Dark Areas, just on the Pennensula. I could have had Serious Trouble finding any animal if they hid in those areas. I have to Review the Video, even though it is Highly Unlikely there was anything there. I did hear some Cracking, Once. But nothing more.

Remember the Area that I was going on about Two Days Ago? Here is the Evolution from 1999 to 2011. There is something there, and I want to go Investigate it. The Total Area is HUGE! It looks like a Town that had Sunk into the Earth. It had to have happened prior to 1999. As the Pictures show, 12 Years here, so you go back another 12 years and it would be 1987 when this area sunk. I would have heard about this if that was the case. It had to happen prior to my Birth. In the 60's.

Here is a LIST of Missing Cities in Michigan, and this one is NOT on the List.

Lost towns are listed by their former name, the present-day county where they are located, and their location relative to present-day maps. If further information about these communities is available it is included briefly as well. This list is not comprehensive.

Any Cities in Gratiot County? None. Is someone hiding something? And Why?

In 1891 there was a City of "Laskey"(?). I have to keep checking.

In 1926 the City of "Laskey"(?) is Gone.

In 1826 the whole County was Undeveloped.

In 1835 it was still Undeveloped.

In the 1940's there was not a "Laskey"(?).

In 1839 The Area was Still Undeveloped.

Pompeii is Missing as well. It was there in 1967.

Pompeii is not there in 1891.

Sickles? I just found this City on a 1895 Map.

Edgewood is Another City that has Vanished after 1898.

Laskey, Pompeii, Sickles, and Edgewood all have Vanished without History Recording what happened to them. I will Search Further.

Pompeii is there in 1881.

Well...Pompeii is still there. So now we are down to Laskey, Sickles and Edgewood.

Sickles is Also out of the Running.

Edgewood Still Remains as well.

"Laskey" is our Winner! Or Loser.


15 November 2012

Why are "Squatches" Vocalizing so much? Could it be due to the "Hunting Season"? There are a Lot of "YouTube" Posts lately of Vocalizations from "Squatches". It has to be linked. They are Warning of the Men with Guns (Rifles). The Audio that I had heard this Morning (New) sounded like a Father telling his Son to be Careful of the Men with the Deadly Sticks, and the Son blowing him off. 

Tomorrow will be a big day for Research. I have to go get "Cheap" Equipment for the Field. I Also have to Stop at the Storage Facility to Pay the Fee and Collect some things, like My Plastic Cargo Crate.

I did Confirm that the First Audio Recordings of "Squatch" Talk was in the Hunting Season Timeframe.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ-nq_YQ_9w   "Ketchikan Alaska BF Sighting", at the 4 Second Mark, Pause it and look at the Image. I see 2 "Squatches", One Large Child and a Female (Well, Her Body Part-Boob). On the Youth I see the Brow Ridge, Closed Eye, Nostral, Cheek Bone, and Part of Lip. The Female I see a Hand, Belly Area and a Breast. The Male seems to be drawing attention away from the others because they were resting and caught off guard. I wish that the Camera Panned back to the area again to see if they had left or remained motionless. (Here is a Still)

You can see the Black Mass in the Center of the Picture, and to the Lower-Right in the "V" of the Trees you can make out a face, and looking up you can see the Hand, and to the Left of the Left Trunk you can see the Flattened Breast and Nipple.

This Site is more Support to My Theory that the "Squatches" Gather during the Winter Months and are More Vocal within this Timeframe; 


These Alaskan "Squatches" are Dark Faced. Their Noses are like that of Gorillas, and they sleep on their backs with their feet in opposite directions.

Hopefully you can see what I see better.


14 November 2012

Bigfoots doing Gung-Dam Style Dancing. There's a Thought for you. You may not be able to shake the Image now.

I am going to take a Drafting Angle with me on Investigations.

I am Eager and know everything that I need to start. I will still be learning and refining my investigations as I proceed. 

I have just found a "Site" with Strange Attributes. It's Heavily Wooded and has several Swamps, but it has "Right Angles" and an "Arched Bridge" Covered with Vegitation. Deffinately in need of Research.

The "Site" that I found Today gives me the "Creepy" Feeling already. It looks like it was "Reclaimed" (for some Reason) and to let go back to Mother Nature's Care. Why? The whole area is "Freaky, Freaky". Strange Anomalies, like Rectangular Openings in Swamps, A Bridge that Has no use, and Cleared Clearings. What I mean by that is the Natural Clearings have been Cleared so Grass could grow there. Like a Camp-site.

What would be the Best Time for Research? Morning? Noon? or Evening? The "Squatches" are Known to be Active at Night. Should I get out there Early? Or Later? What would be the "Best" Time for Visiting? I would want to be Visited in the Evenings, which to a Night Being, would be Morning. This way they are Done "Working" and ready to "Party", or have Company before they want to Rest up before the Next Day. So, I will go out in the Morning.

Well...This "Site" that I have found seems to have "Dam"s in it. It has Definately caught my interest. I want to know more about it and why it was created then abandoned. Seems that a lot was done to Develop the Area, and then it was just Left for Nature to reclaim.

I am still "Freaked" by the "Site" that I had Found today. 

I have found Many of Strange Sites that will need Exploring. One has a Road that has no Real Beginning or Real End, and just to the North is a Trapezoidal Shape, Like Walls or Something. Why? I want to find out. Unless it States "Private Property-Keep Out", or "Government Property-Keep Out", I will be Exploring those Sites.

I have come to the "Conclusion" that "Squatches "Congregate" in the Colder Months for Warmth. I have seen in Satellite Views Several "Squatches" in the same area, and there is a Large Hutch in that area. And I MEAN...LARGE! Within One Mile (of the Hutch) I had Counted 8 of the beings. 3 were following a group of 4, and one was Half a mile East of that group. A Second Part of that Conclusion was the Fact that a Lot of Recearchers have noticed that their Sites become Quiet for a while for a few Months of the Year.

The Facts are Piling up that Support that the "Squatches" Commute in one place when the Weather becomes Untollerable. 

Sometimes I get so Dissapointed when I think that I had found a "Squatch" on "Google Earth", but when I Cross-Check it on "MapQuest" and it Shows a Bush, it's a bit dissapointing.

Google vs. MapQuest of the Same Image/Area

Here is a "Tiny" Example of the "Creepy" Area. 

And Here is a "Squatch" that I found. It's as good as any "Squatch-Blob" out there. I took all of the relevant information off of it to secure the place as a future Research Site for me.

And here it is in Relation to a "Mound".

And there you have My "Arm-Chair" Research at it's Finest.


13 November 2012

So...I will be bringing "Fish" with me for a Gift for any "Squatches". 

I will be Showing "EVERYBODY"! Because from everything I am Learning, if they are not "Discovered", they will be Killed off because of "Misunderstandings". People seem to want to "Provoke" the "Squatches" rather than to "Understand" them. So, Something needs to be done to Help them Defend themselves "Legally".

Seems that the "Squatches" will Trap you if they get the Oppertunity. I watched a Video of a Man and his Dog (Both Old) where the Beings drew closer by the second. The Dog became afraid as did the Man. But the Man figured a way out without panicking. You could see the Dark Figures shift their position after every pass of the camera. Whenever his back was turned to one, they would change their position to one that was closer. So, they were trying to corner the man and his dog. But something else caught my attention. That is the Use of Infra-Sound, or the Lack of. Well...It's out there as a Theory of how the "Squatches" Hunt, to Parilyze their Victim before killing them. If that was true, then they were not hunting the Old Man and his Old Dog. They were Merely Curious.


12 November 2012

Well...Had to take care of some Business before persuing any goals today.

Seems that "Researchers" are going about this as if they were "Criminal" Cases. Me? No. That is NOT going to be the way that I proceed. I am just out to "Study" these Beings if I get the Pleasure to do so. It is up to them to make contact, because the Forest is their Home, where they Excel in living. I will make an Attempt to have an Encounter by the Information that I have learned through my research.

Seems that anything to do with the "Squatches" is Stifeled. DNA Reports...Always end in Emptiness.

I was thinking about "Fish" as a Offering to the "Squatches". They like "Berries" as well.


11 November 2012

Did not do Much This Weekend but Socialized. I did find a T.V. Series about the Paranormal and Cryptic. It's like "PUNKED", but based off of the Fears of Creatures that go Bump in the Night. I cannot remember the Name of it now. 

Well, it's time to watch some "Sasquatch" Channels for more "Arm-Chair" Research.


08 November 2012

Today, I have to Give a little of Myself to get a little Money.

I have been seeing a lot of Researchers performing "LTS's" (Long Term Studies). I am NOT Prepared for such, so I will not be going that route. Will I ever do that? Possibly.

My Day(s) of Research are approacing quickly. Thanksgiving Weekend is the only time that I will have to Perform a Test to see any Approximately timeframes to do the steps that I would like to do.

Provo Canyon Bigfoot Footage, Ring a Bell? Seems to be the Talk of the Day, so to say. Watched it too many times, but it keeps gettingt talk. From what it is, I feel that it's the Real Deal. Why? Because a Bear cannot "Cup" it's Paw like that did it's Hand. 'Nuf Said.

I have seen someone that has somewhat the same train of thought about leaving the camera and walking away for a while then returning to collect it.


07 November 2012

Back to the (Current) Norm's of Life for another 4 years. 

I have Reviewed just about every Video on 'YouTube' that I have found. Have to say that there is not as much as one would think. It takes a Brave Soul to post the Video's and then to put up with the Ridicule and Harassment from others that don't have the fainteset knowledge to back up their claims because they are too afraid to go out and do the Research themselves. I am going to Research 'Jane Goodall', the Gorilla and Primate Expert.

Well, Jane Goodall does Believe in the Big Hairy Man.




Those are all YouTube Videos with Jane Goodall Discussing Bigfoot.


A Discussion by M.K. Davis and other well known "Bigfoot" Researchers.


06 November 2012

Doing My Civic Duty Today First.

Now it's back to Research. I wonder what a "Squatch" would do with a "Giggle-Stick"? It would be funny to experiance. I should be watching more 'YouTube' Video's. I see others doing things that are...'Backwards'. Like this one person found Rocks on a Boulder after he had left Food-Stuffs for "Squatches". To me, this says, "Talk to Us" and "Let us Teach You Our Ways", but it is Constantly Ignored by Researchers. Another Theory with the Rocks is that they are Saying (This Many) are Here. 4 Rocks = 4 Squatches. The "Twigs" are another form of communication. I think that they relate to their Territory.

Would Wearing an Auburn or Orange Jacket/Coat make a difference? Or would that make you a Threat? Hunters Wear Orange Jackets.

I keep seeing the same things all of the time. It's like All/Every Researcher is Stuck using the same old Techniques as the others. Why?

They like to Draw "Circles"? I have just Learned this. For what Purpose? Oh-Kay, the Circle was created of Sticks and Rocks with things in it. A "Map".

Peanut-Butter and Honey Sandwiches. "Squatches Love it. Theorized it's the Honey. Honey is a Rare Commedity and Difficult to Obtain.

The "Squatches" like to Paralel the Researchers, so Having a Camera pointed to the person's Left or Right may produce results.


05 November 2012

I have just Developed a Tactic for Catching a "Squatch" in Action. That is to............................................................................................................. ..........................................................................................................................................Really. You think that I am going to Share it that easily? 

Yes! I will Share! I am going to go to a Spot, Place the Tri-Pod Mounted Camera, then Turn my Back and Walk away for a Moment, then Turn Back and Return to Retrieve My Video Camera and Tri-Pod. If I do this, according to what I have Heard from other researchers on Videos, the "Squatch(es)" would move when I turn away to avoid me seeing them. This will give me another Advantage whenever I research in the field.

The "Squatch" is a Very Curious Creature, as we Humans are. They are Also afraid of us as much as we are of them. If someone ran away from you everytime that you show yourself, you would have worries why and want to remain hidden.

As I stated earlier, there is always something to learn about the "Squatch(es)", but this time it was the Researchers that I had Learned what to do. Because of their way of thinking, I was able to Understand how the "Squatch" reacted to what we Humans do. Our back is turned, then they move. Not Before, Not After (Unless they know they cannot be seen by Humans).

Seems that Other Researchers have learned to Leave Gifts, but what I don't know. And they left it at the Tee-Pee Structures, which I am sure is Not the proper place for Gifts.

Does not seem like they know how to let the "Squatches" Know that it is Food and for them. They just stick the Fruits in Notches of the Trees.

Another thing is that they place the "Food-Stuffs" at the Level any animal can get at them. They Should be placed at the 7 foot high levet to the 9 foot high level. (Allowing for the Reach of a "Squatch").

There was the Thought that the "Squatches" Give you the Small Rocks as an Attempt to Teach the Stupid Humans how to Communicate with them. Stupid Creature, Use the Small Rocks to Bang on the Larger Rock to tell us you are smart enough to communicate with us. Then you can Bang the Smaller Rocks together to show us that you Understand. Stupid Furless things.


04 November 2012

If I do get My Son all of the time, What can I do for the Field Research Aspect? I will have to find a "Respite" Center for a few hours I guess.

I'll only have a few Daylight Hours to do Field Research. That's what I'll have to work with.

Well...At least I have Already worked out some of the Main Aspects of the Field Research. I have Discovered that My Video-Camera can Run for 80 Minutes rather than the 40 I had Previously Thought. More Field Research time.

I keep watching New (and Old) Videos on 'YouTube' and have yet to Learn anything new. I know there is more out there, and it may be long in coming, but I want to get as much information before I actually begin. I have my Studies from Previous information that I have applied, but there has to be more.

03 November 2012

My Son's Mom just had a Stroke/Heart Attack/Blood Clot, or Something that made her pass out (for how long is unknown), so I have him. Which brings up something. What if she has a similar problem while I am out Researching?

Or she Passes?


02 November 2012

I watched 'The Blair Witch Project' and I am under the Impression that it was more of a "Sasquatch" Story. The Activities that they had shown was more of a "Bigfoot" type of activity.


01 November 2012

Alright...My Duties are done and I have 2 hours for research this afternoon. Time to get to it.

I have to learn to set Manual Focus to Avoid getting "Blob-Squatches".

Would Placing a "Gift" at the Point where you see a "Squatch" be a way of saying thank-you for letting me see you? Could that be a way of Communicating?

NOVEMBER...My son has so many Half Days this Month and he is going to be with his Mother from the 22nd to the 25th. Perfect, Because My' Girlfriend' is also going to be away with her Family. That will be the Timeframe that I go and Explore, and Test my Theories by Performing a "Dry-Run" of sorts. 4 Days of Research are comming my way.

31 October 2012

HALLOWEEN! Half a Day for My Son, so Research will be Limited.

Time to Research "Bigfoot Behavior". I guess a Study has been done.

https://www.lawnflowersjerkyandbigfoots.com/Pages/BigfootBehavior.aspx ,

https://www.bigfootencounters.com/biology/willduncan.htm ,

https://www.bfro.net/gdb/show_FAQ.asp?id=587 ,

https://www.bigfootencounters.com/sbs/chautauqua.htm , 

https://www.texasbigfoot.com/index.php/about-bigfoot ,

That's enough for Starters, and It Confirms some of the Directions that I was going with my Research and keeps me inline with my Direction of Research.  

I am Eager to try my Theories because they Coorilate so well with Witness Reports. There is a Process that one must proceed through in order to get sightings. I am going to Stack the Odds to get a better Chance of Success. I understand some of the Signs and Greeting Procedures. Will that result in a Sighting? Maybe not, but if I understand it correctly, Something will happen.

I should say..."Something Will Happen, IF, There is/are "Squatches" in the Immediate Area.". I am Eager to try. 

I just answered a Morally Directed Question. It was about Killing a "Squatch". I say "NO" and if so, Only if your life is Threatened. I feel that if found, they should be Studied. 

https://www.bigfootreferenceguide.com/  I just ran across this Site and they have the same Policies as I do.

The more that I learn, the More that I want to Try and Communicate with them.

Here's another Michigan Group:  https://www.michiganbigfoot.org/  

After trying My Theories, I will Possibly Contact them to go on Researches.

It is 'Tempting' to join an Existing group, but I have invested a Considerable amount of time in my Site. I will wait.

I will have to Visit My Storage Facility to get a few things before starting any Researching. I have to pull out my Heavy-Duty Plastic Storage Container and load it with Equipment. I will have to start using the Plasma Monies (after I get My Son an iPad) to Purchase some Equipment. 

https://www.oregonbigfoot.com/  Mrs. Williams is the Site Manager and Researcher.I am not sure I will like her attitude or Direction of Research. Just that "Gut" Feeling.

I am going to join her Page and then ask her a question that I have already figured out. The White Hands and Feet one.

She obviously thinks too highly of herself to Charge for People to discuss anything on the Issue. I am NOT going to Force People to Pay to Learn. It is not like she's taking anyone on a tour for joining. 

I plan on Sharing My Knowlege with others to help then become successful. If something works for me, then others should know about it and be able to use it.



30 October 2012

Based off of recent Information that Coorilated between a Television Series and the Internet, is that placing both hands, Palm facing the Other Person/Bigfoot means "I come in Peace". It makes sense, since the Palms of a "Squatch" are Claimed to be White, For them to show a person them would be a Friendly Geasture. Maybe I should add that to my Information Packet.

Makes one wonder how "Squatches" handle the Extreeme Bad Weather like Hurricanes like "Sandy"? Do they go to their Perminant Den? or do they just act like Nothing is Happening?

Where there is One "Squatch", there are at least Two Others. So if a Family Group is 3, and 3 Males go Hunting, that means there are 9 "Squatches" around the area. (Family Group being 1 Male, 1 Female, and 1 Child/Young one).

I know that using a "Thermal" Camera could Find "Squatches" Day or Nite, But there has to be a Second way. If I could Devise a way to see their Thermal Signatures (Clearly), I could/would get better Video. 

Track Rock Boulder Petroglyphs  Showing that the Peoples here before us had great knowledge of the Hairy Man.

I have added a Petroglyphs Section with several Pictures. I am Adding Artwork from others to the Photogallery Section.


29 October 2012

After I get some running done I can perform more Research. I am Alone on this. I have learned to "Show No Fear" if you see a "Squatch", because they will Persue you as Prey. https://bigfootevidence.blogspot.com/2012/10/watch-eyewitness-account-of-bigfoot.html?spref=fb  Watch: Eyewitness Account of Bigfoot Anatomy & Sexual Dimorphism is where I got that Information from. 

My Further Research is on Hold until My Son goes to Bed. He's listening to Music off of My Laptop.

I have come to the Determination that My Plasma Monies will go for Research Equipment/Tools after I get My Son an iPad. Just the first Version, so he has a voice. Go to this site: https://autismandstephen.webnode.com/  and you will understand.

Time for More Research!


28 October 2012

I watch the Researchers Sites to Learn how they Compile and Display their Data for the Public. I may use some of their Techniques in my Research.

I won't be Giving the Names of the Research Sites, Just the Docket Numbers of each site. I will be keeping the Sites Private as possible, even though one could look the streets up on a Site that gives Directions. LOL. Will have to keep the Pictures off of the Site I guess. Being NEW to this, I have a lot to learn.

"HARDCORE BIGFOOT RESEARCH", A Term that I cannot fill. I Will be a Hobbyist.

I do plan on Testing the Timeframes from Point to Point, and I will be using the "Experimental Site" of Sleepy Hallow State Park to do so. This will give me a realistic Basis to place my Values of Walking Speed and Research times Versus Recording Time. Unlike others that I have seen, I will not have a "Fragmented" Video. It can Later be Disected if Needed. I will let others do that. And the Only Video Sequences going on this site will be Relevant to Findings (Like Something Amazing), So there may never be Video shown here.

So...I have a Web-Site, I have a Structured way of Taking Information, and I have accessable ways of showing each Research Site, I even have Theories and Lists of what tools are needed and Steps to take. I will not be performing the "Whoop"s or "Howel"s though. Leave that for the Professionals.

I wish that my Team Member would Share some of his Thoughts. I know he has a few, and I am Interested to know what they are.

Found this Just now: https://www.sunstar-solutions.com/NAbigfootnames.htm  and, of course, I cannot find any Referrences to any Michigan Tribes. Not a Chance. I explored the Tribes, the Nations, the Potawatomi Languagemtugwabe'wnIne, and came up Empty. Is this supposed to be a "Secret"?

Do I need a Link to Explain the Research Standards? How to Log on the "Docket" Sheet and How to take Samples? What is Expected of a Team Member?

I have been thinking of the Pictures that I had Posted yesterday, the ones of the South End of Sleepy Hallow State Park. If it were a Single "Squatch", it would be Huge. So I Re-Evaluated my thinking. What if it were 3, and they were Feasting on a Deer Carcas? That would make them more of an Appropriate size, and The "Squatches" seem to Travel in Groups of 3 Typically. I am still going to Investigate the area.

My Team-mate is Bucking right now. I guess that he was not as Seriouse as he thought he was. I guess when and if I find anything, then he will come aboard. I have Dedicated a lot of time into this already.

I am watching "BIGFOOT: The Definitive Guide" on History 2 (H2). I have seen it before, But just was not interested. But Now, I have Interest.

Now I am watching "Animal Planet"-"Finding Bigfoot/Evidence".


27 October 2012

Researching the Potawatomi Language  https://www.kansasheritage.org/pbp/books/dicto/d_frame.html. Why? Because that is what this Site is about, and you can go to the "FAQ" Page to Understand. Since I plan on remainng in the Lower part of the mitten for my research, it is one of the 4 Primary Languages. The Miami, Kickapoo, and the Fox are the other languages that will need to be researched. What is "Tree Peeker" or "Hairy Man" in the Potawatomi Language? 

-tree, mtugwabe'wnIne, SOURCE: Maynard
-tree, mtugwIn, SOURCE: Ruby
-tree, mtuk, SOURCE: Daniels

There are no words for "Peeker" or "Hider"

-hair, winsIsen, SOURCE: Ruby

-man, nIne, SOURCE: Martha

Now, Is the Language "Forwards" like English? Or is it "Mixed" Like Spanish? Is it already that Clear? They already had a Name for "Bigfoot"? See the First "tree" and the word for "man"? But what does "abe'w" mean? We can Deduce that the Words Hair, and Tree (mtuk) are not part of this, So that leaves "Peeker" or "Hider", the 2 words that I could not find, and "abe'w" is not listed in the Dictionary. I am Guessing that "mtugwabe'wnIne" is for "Tree Peeking Man". Bigfoot. Now, How to Pronounce the Word(s). I Reversed it so that I have the Native Language first, and once again "abe'w" was not among the list. I have learned that I Can add the Shaddows of the Leaves onto the "Header" by using a Transparency Setting that is on the Program that I have. So Now, a 3rd Version of the Header will be used.

I did Redo the Header and used a few of the Tools to make it eh...Realistic. We will see.

I don't know how much difference it makes, but this is what it will be for now.

I have added a "Research Site" Page for all of the Documentation regarding any and all Research into this subject.

I was looking on google World and found this at the South end of Sleepy Hallow State Park.

It's Huge to say the Least. I meant Knuckles in my Description. Coukld it be a Tree? A Tree does not Move because it is here on google but not on MapQuest.

google Earth vs MapQuest

This is the MapQuest Map and Nothing Amber/Reddish is Visible.

I have been Listening to the "Main Show - Coast to Coast" and the Discussion is "Bigfoot". Here's the Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBiUdN1RS5E&feature=related  or you can search for  Main Show Only - Search for Bigfoot - Coast to Coast AM  and it's Over an Hour and a Half Long.

I Cannot for the life of me find the word "abe'w" and what it means.

jmckinney@mail.holton.k12.ks.us <jmckinney@mail.holton.k12.ks.us> eMail address of the person that compiled the Potawanomi Language Dictionary.


26 October 2012

Started out Painting. First Impression of my Forest Scene from last night...I was amazed at how it turned out. I did a little touch up, and while I was painting, I was thinking of the Food Sources in the woods. For a "Squatch", there is a lot. Small Mamals, Small Amphibians, Nuts and Berries, even some Plants. Native Americans Used to Eat the same things. I will be Scanning in the Paintings and then Building the Header.

I can only use 50% to 60% of the Picture that I am creating for the Header, So I have to Strategically place everything witin that area. Good thing is, I found some Pictures of Birds that were painted, so all I have to do is Scan them in and place them into the Picture. Also means that I can get to the Assembly of the Piucture. I will place the Whole Picture on this site as well as using some of it for the Header.

The Header is Thinner than I had previously thought, Meaning that I have to Cram everything in. Maybe I have to change out the Page Format so I have more Header area.


Finished the Header (Possible Binder Cover). I should have made the Background even Darker. Here are Examples of how the Cases should be handled by using Airial Sattelite Views and Maps. I use the Local State Park as an Example.

Here is My "Example" of how to set things up for a Day of Research. First, Selecting a place (Sleepy Hallow State Park).

Second, Mapping out a Route, Taking in account the Recording time on the Video Device.


Area of Research-01
Task List
GOAL: To make rounds in 45 minutes. From the moment of leaving the Vehicle until the return to the vehicle. Walking Speed of 200ft/min (Taking into account of Vegitation.)
10.5 min walk-
Point-A; Time-Limit of Stop: 10min.
-Leave Treats on a pile of Stacked Rocks or on a thin branch 7 Feet High or Higher so Forest Animals cannot get to them.
-Put Micro-Casette in the Area Playing "???" Sounds.
-Hide Second Micro-Casette (With Auto-On) Near.
5 min walk-
Point-B; Time-Limit of Stop: 2min.
-Try a "Tree-Knock".
-Listen for Activity.
7 min walk-
Point-C; Time-Limit of Stop: 5min.
-Try a "Tree-Knock".
-Listen for Activity.
-Look for Activity.
2.5 min walk-
Point-D; Time-Limit of Stop: 5min.
-Try a "Tree-Knock".
-Listen for Activity.
-Look for Activity.
5.5 min walk-
Point-E; Time-Limit of Stop: 5min.
-Try a "Tree-Knock".
-Listen for Activity.
-Look for Activity.
32 min walk-
(88 min Total)
PRE-EVALUATION of SITE: Being in the Fall, the area may be bare. "google maps" Shows a Bare and Brown area. Very Little Vegitation present. On the other hand, "mapquest" Shows a Lush and Green Enviroment. I am going to assume the worse but will proceed as planned. I have to take in Consideration of Hunting Season, which may Halt all possibility of my Search. It is State Land and there are several Deer Trails present.
Bow Season is from Oct-1st to Nov-14th, and then Rifle is from Nov-15th to Nov-30th.
The total timeframe of Hunting Seasons lasts from August 1st to March 1st.

By using several Airial Maps you can find differences that may guide your Research in a different direction. In Conjunction with the Map(s), You should have a way to Record the Information that you come across, Like;

This Sheet also contains a Degree Guage, North being Zero as the Little Arrows show. 

I just Filled out the "FAQ" Page. Hopefully it will be Informative.

I have been working Dillegently at this site long enough. I will wait until I have more to Contribute to it.

25 October 2012

We start here. We are New to this and Have only 2 Team-Members. One of which has spent a Considerable amount of time on the Subject of "BIGFOOT". The Second Member has just become Interested to the point of Obsession. Nothing in the aspect of any Personal Physical Research, That will Not Happen until the Month of March of 2013, After the Hunting Seasons have passed. 

I will be putting up the "Docket" Information Sheet So it will be easily retrievable to Copy to one's Computer then to Print it.

I am painting the Background for the Header. I can then Add everything together the way that I want it to get a better looking header.


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